The Traveling Afghans

These are beautiful. I need to knit the next square but I don’t think I have the yarn I want to use.

It might be fun to make one later with bespoke yarn but for this one I’m determined to use stash!

Squares 7 and 8, the green is Yarn Bee Fresh Haven Jade Green and the blue is Yarn Bee Hint of Silk Oriental Teal.

Edit: I’m not blocking until they are all done.


Lovely!!! I may have to work on these once my mask making is done.

Those look great! I started square 7 but it was coming out much too large so I frogged it. Finishing up these test knit socks and then I will hit the stash to figure out what yarn to use for squares 7-9.

Thank you @Char and @KnitsWithHorses, I think I’ll knit another block or two today, this is the perfect knitting prescription for me just now.

Squares 10 and 11 in Yarn Bee Fresh Haven colors light Blue and Jade Green.


This look great! Your color scheme is going to be really pretty. Mine will be kind of a patchwork but at least it’s using up some stash. I set mine aside waiting for, I think #11? It was late coming out and I got caught up in the never ending wrap. Lol I need to get that back out and catch up!

That’s exactly what I’m trying to do, I’d fallen behind.

So pretty!!!

This does look great. I like everything about them. The colors, the yarn and the patterns. Winners! Y’all will catch up and quickly too, I’m sure.

Thank you @Char and @Pinesprarie. This is a fun project and I’m happy to get caught up on the squares, I have three more to go.

Blocks 12, 13 and 14, these really need to be blocked. Another in Yarn Bee Fresh Haven Jade Green and two in Yarn Bee Soft Secret White.


You caught up quick enough! How do you like the Yarn Bee yarn? I’ve looked at it a time or two but never purchased.

I like Yarn Bee, especially the Fresh Haven and Touch of Silk.

I really like the jade color! The three colors you are working with look great together.

Thank you.

@FreedomLover Ooh thanks, I always like a recommendation.

I’ve been working on squares on and off but not posting them. I have a total of 22 squares done, these are the ones I haven’t shown yet. I think I want 30 total so I’m going to design a few myself with cables. I love cables and only one designer used them.


Beautiful squares…