The Traveling Afghans

Thank you, they’re coming out in different sizes so I may need to block a few of them within an inch of their lives. :wink:

This is going to be so pretty!!

How big are your squares?

Your squatted look great and i like the colors you chose. Mine are coming out quite a range of sizes too. I don’t have as many done as you do but I’ve already decided I’ll be adding some of my own designs and leaving out a few of the ones that don’t really appeal to me. And I’ll probably have to add some crochet and the edge of the smallest ones or it just won’t work.

I really like the texture and colors of these squares.

So I went to the German Shepherds group to put a face to those paws…Laurel is a beauty! :two_hearts:

Thank you @chrisz. :slightly_smiling_face: