Sock KAL Finished Projects

@KnitsWithHorses - I love scrappy socks! My favorite way is to use enough of one solid color that you can carry it through the whole sock and adding all the other colors with it. Like helical but only one color stays the same.

@lovestostitch that is a great idea!! Thanks!

New cast-on.


Love those colors.

Pretty colors! Are you doing traveling stitches?

After about a month and a half and 45 hours of total work time, I finally finished my May socks! I can’t emphasize enough exactly how much I love these socks. I love the pattern so much I am actually planning another pair in a different colorway. Hopefully, they will be finished in less than 2 months!

Finished Pink and Purple Gothix Socks 18 June 22.jpg

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They look great!

I look forward to seeing the next pair, these are fabulous.

I love the look of these socks, but I think it’s way too fiddly for me to actually knit and enjoy the knitting.

They are actually SO much easier than they look! The most complicated stitches are left and right twists, the rest is slipped stitches and you switch which color you are using each round so you are only working with one color at any point. I can do multi-strand colorwork, but I really, really dislike it, so I just love that this is so impressive looking, but is really pretty easy.

As far as sock knitting skill level, I’d say it is a solid “intermediate.”

One sock is finished and just the cuff to go on the other one ! I might make my finish by the end of the month deadline after all.


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I love those colors. I have always had a soft spot for striped socks but could never get cute ones that fit my big feet. I am planning to make another pair as soon as I finish my Fourth of July socks!

Thanks @Nyssareen, I am all about the stripes.

These are fabulous!

Thanks, @FreedomLover

Thank you @FreedomLover :blush:

Finally! I finished my January socks! I had trouble posting the picture last week. I love that they look scrappy but it’s only 2 yarns. :wink:
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Those are so cute!

They are really beautiful :sparkling_heart: