September 2022 - Squishies and stuffies

Thank you to everyone who voted in my poll :ballot_box:
It leaned very strongly to one color scheme. With 61% of the vote this is what you guys chose:

Got it all caked up and Bonk is ready for itā€™s cast on tomorrow :grin:


Fed Ex, Staples, local print shop. You shouldnā€™t pay more than $2-3 - around here anyway. :slight_smile:

Another quilt - very quick, but still cute I think.

And the start of a zipper quilt:

Both out of the same 6ā€ Jam Roll. :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s really cool! Makes me think of book binding :closed_book:


Iā€™ve been busy trying to decide on new glasses. I did a virtual try-on but canā€™t decide. I think Iā€™ve narrowed it down to red, black or black floral. I really like the black floral but Iā€™m wondering if they are good for every day glasses. My husband asked, ā€œWould you wear them to a funeral?ā€ So, Iā€™m taking a vote - red, black or floral?


I donā€™t think the floral is too bright or loud, and I personally wouldnā€™t feel out of place wearing them to a funeral. (I included the pic of me in my current everyday glasses, which are brown with pink arms and pink flowers across the bridge, to prove I do mean that!) So if you like them, I say go with the floral! If you decide against the floral, I prefer the red to the black, the black seems a bit too stark.


I vote for red, unless they would clash with a lot of the clothes that you wear . But then you probably wouldnā€™t have chosen them as a finalist if they did. I hate picking out glasses as much as you do and i need to go get my eyes checked.

take both the red and the floral so you can alternate - the floral goes well with your hair and they make you look happy - the red is more neutral if you want them to match your mood and clothing - the black makes you look very serious and I think you already have black glasses?

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Iā€™ll vote for the red also, but I personally donā€™t like ā€œfussyā€ glass so take that with a grain of salt.

Those are adorable!

my choices 1. Floral 2. red

In response to your hubby. Yes, of course, there are always flowers at funeralsā€¦lol.


I like the floral! I think you could wear them to a funeral, by the way. Who would be criticizing you that you donā€™t have ā€œfuneral glassesā€??

Your husband is definitely a ā€˜prepare for the worstā€™ kind of guy! I guess a bit like mine! :smile:

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Iā€™m with @Nyssareen , if you like the floral best, get them but if it were down to the red and black Iā€™d go with the red. Like others said, the black seems a little too stark & serious :face_with_monocle:
Also, I like what @hereami said about the floral ones, funerals always have flowers :bouquet:

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I personally like the red. :slight_smile:

I really love the floral but I think they are out of the running because of the nose bridge. Iā€™ve had such a hard time getting my glasses to be comfortable that Iā€™ve been doing a lot of research on the different measurements on glasses. Iā€™ve also realized how optical shops give you very little advice on how to really get a good fit.

Iā€™ve only had one plastic pair of glasses and they were a fit disaster. I think the plastic are cuter but Iā€™m not sure about sizing. The floral pair has the same bridge size as the disaster pair so Iā€™m not doing that again.


Here is my finished zipper quilt top. :slight_smile:

Today one of our guilds is having a quilt show. Iā€™m planning on going with a couple friends. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It looks great @Char


Wowā€¦it felt like you did that one really fast.
It looks great.

I have never been to a quilt show. What will go on at a quilt show? Displays? Classes? Things for sale??
I just read a book and the sweet old ladies had a day out together. It started as a nice quiet time in a community center talking and having tea, then ended with male entertainers arriving.

I am pretty sure there wonā€™t be that sort of entertainment. You live too far away for rumors and news to spread to meā€¦so I thought I would ask.
LOL. :wink:

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The thread is up for the weekly totals for 9/17 I totally forgot to post it earlier in the week.


Yah. I did a lot of fast quilts this week. It is becoming the season for bigger needs for quilts for kids. :). Finished one, started and finished 3 tops this week.

The quilt show displays a lot of quilts made by guild members. Look but donā€™t touch kind of thing. :slight_smile:

There is also a trade show (marketplace) where people can buy stuff.

It is a fundraiser for the guild to go towards their charitable work.