Official Rules for Spin de Fleece 2020

Welcome @Readyfox ! What group will you be joining for Spin de Fleece?

Welcome! We’ll be glad to have you! Any idea what group you’d like to be in? Are you a rookie or do you have a few years of experience under your belt? What’s your favorite kind of fiber to spin?

I have been spinning off and on total a year and a half. We have had a huge move and we are still unboxing, dealing with land/property issues, etc. I would like to do a fractal spin for the event and spindle spinning for one of the challenges. I’m not sure what or how to find a group. Is Fiber Kind considered a group? How do I sign up? Thank you for the kind welcome everyone.

If you look at the Blue highlighted post with the Spin de Fleece Official Rules under Spin-a-longs, you will see that you can join a group if you want. There might be prizes in groups based on ability.*

OK, I will join the rookie group. Thanks purlgirlbuttons

I have a couple of direct messages for @rkennell when you get a chance. If you don’t see them, I can re-send.:wink:

Great @Readyfox, I look forward to spinning “with” you! Feel free to pop over to the Group: Beginner Spinners if you like, I know you aren’t a brand newbie, but I have a Rookie Team thread there as well.

@Carlota - I’m back home now and ready to get things worked out! :slight_smile:

In the moving process but will use spinning as a way to destress. The Bootleg Knitter is on board for tour de spin

Yay! Welcome :slight_smile:

Good luck with moving, it is definitely not one of my favorite things.

I am one of those lurkers y’all talked about on the Politically Incorrect podcast and decided that needs to change. I am in on this-I have been spinning, off and on, since 2005 or so. Can’t wait to chat with all the spinners here!

Wonderful!!! I’m glad you came out of your lurky shell - we are glad to have you. :slight_smile:

Hello @MollyOMali, I’m so glad you decided to make the change. I was exactly like that until I realized it needed to change for me too and I must say, it’s been a lot of fun actually participating.

Wow–we are so glad to have you on board, especially while you’re in the process of moving. We are a low-pressure group–just set your daily time limit and enjoy!

Welcome, lurker-turned-participator, @MollyOMali - we are so glad to have you join us! We are looking forward to getting to know you during the Spin de Fleece!

@Shauna825 here is our Spin De Fleece I think you may be interested in. :slight_smile:

@PurlgirlButtons also has a new nano spinner - she’s appears to be having a lot of fun with it. :slight_smile:

Thank you @Char

OK, unlurking to try to do at least some of this!

Super! That’s the whole idea - set a reasonable goal and it will be so fun to see ourselves progress, even it it’s inching along.