October 2022

I have not made it. The internet shows some lovely color choices. It’s kinda reminds me of a mandela pattern made with ripple like waves.
Almost like when u drop a pebble in moving water.

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Happy Monday everyone. I finished quilting 5 quilts and have 5 more to pick up from the person who does my long arming. :slight_smile:

Barbara our director came over yesterday. Another box for cutting. She also had a bunch of fabrics that were cut into 2.5” squares. Oh my goodness - so many and 90% of them are purple and cream. There are probably enough for 10 quilts, maybe more. But - 2.5” squares are an easy to piece quilt. I’ll have to come up with fun designs so I don’t get too bored.

Hope you are all having a motivated Monday!


Once again I’m having to replenish my stock of cotton dish rags.


I have to knit a few of those. (I have to work out patterns on my own…use printed patterns for sweaters, but design the small stuff myself, if only by plugging in different stitch patterns.)


Even though I wound up sleeping most of the day, I still managed to finish the purple and green tablet band. 10/2 perle cotton, 3 yards finished.

Next up, I’m going to try a woolen band in a heavier yarn.


This is so lovely. You did a fantastic job weaving this.
What will you do with it now?

Thank you! :smile: I don’t know what I’ll do with it yet. Most likely it will sit around for years, waiting for the perfect project match to come along.


Thursday begins our next FiberKind retreat. I am very much looking forward to it. It is a small group this time which is just fine with me!!!

Long day at work today. Council meeting days are always long.

Right now I am enjoying some quiet time on the front porch. Listening to the evening animals. :slight_smile:


Love this band. What type of loom do you use? I have an inkle loom which I love but haven’t used lately.

Basically two pieces of wood joined at a right angle with half a steel pet comb stuck in the top as a raddle. A clamp at the front for holding the finished work, warp weights at the back for tension. The drawer handles are for taking up the finished band. I’ve tried a few other ways of tensioning the warp but individually warp-weighted cards are my favorite. Easy to wind on the warp with only four threads per bobbin, easy to undo built-up twist, easy to undo and rewind if you’ve got tangling. Plus, you can remove tension on only one card at a time so the rest stay put while you’re working on one.


Here’s the woolen band I mentioned earlier. I’m pretty sure I won’t be doing any more on this one, as I’ve managed to pick one of the stickiest wools in my stash. Every shed opens with a cruuuuunch and my wrist is starting to ache. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Oh well, not more than an evening’s worth of work. In the photo background you can see the next band I have planned on the right side of the paper. I’ll likely revisit this pattern in the future.


Happy WIP Wednesday!!!

Here is one of my WIPs. Someone donated enough 2.5” squares (mostly purple and cream) to make 10-15 quilts, maybe more. This is my first top, and I don’t feel like I have made a dent.


Perhaps this is a silly question…sorry. Are these bands strong enough to use as a strap for a musical instrument? guitar, banjo, etc…? Would you sell them??

**As a side note.
Apparently I talk too much. (sorry)
I just got a notice that says, “You’ve posted more than 21% of the replies here, is there anyone else you would like to hear from?”

The short answer…Yes! I want to hear from Everyone!
What are you working on?
What goals are you trying to accomplish with only about 10 weeks left to this year? (shocking…I know)

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I’m not Heather, but I have used cotton bands for purse straps. I was actually thinking of making a strap for a ukelele, but Steve bought one. I haven’t done tablet weaving lately, but I really like @HeatherAthebyne 's set-up.

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Lol - YAY for chatty @hereami - I love it.

I need to get better at posting pictures. Today I am at Town Hall so I can have tomorrow off without worry.

A pattern writer sent out a message looking for testers for a quilt pattern that looks like a fair aisle yolk on a knit sweater. Of course I can add that to my list of to-do!!! I’ll pick out colors tonight and bring with me this weekend. I should start a check list. Lol


Not silly at all :slight_smile: They are pretty strong bands for their width. Some folks do make guitar straps. I hadn’t considered selling them, but it’s something I’ll give some thought to – if I can bear with the thought of parting from any, of course :laughing:


Oh, but it’s gorgeous! Your quilts always are, but I love that combination of colours.

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I do too! :slight_smile:

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I also love those colors, this one is so pretty! :purple_heart: :heart_eyes:


I’ve gotten that message on another board too and kind of freaked out a little too. But don’t worry, it just means you are keeping the conversation going! :grin: