November 2023

I have done christening shawls, baby blankets, and lots of little cardigans, jumpers, bootees and so on; I think the best received was a layette I made in a lemon and white popcorn design, with a blanket, hat, jacket and bootees. At the moment, though, I really like making loveys, I just finished one with a bunny and the baby’s two year old sibling is now getting one with a lamb.


The last couple days I’ve been working on snowflakes…. I don’t really want to see the real snowflakes this early, though.

I usually make something small for the firefighters for Christmas. I am thinking these and a few homemade cookies will be the offering this year. :slight_smile: I’m using a “wash away stabilizer so in the end it looks very lacy.

. The gray is actually a very pretty silver.

I’m having fun playing with them. I had trouble for a bit - my thread kept breaking. I think I discovered the needle size was just too small. Increased the needle and no issues.


These are really neat! Amazing what these machines can do!

Nice of you to think of your firefighters!


They are “my guys”. :slight_smile:

It is a hectic week for me here. Our town hall is finally “done”. We’re moving Wednesday. Fun times :slight_smile:

I’ll be so glad when it is done,


@Char Those are so lovely. The firefighters are going to love them.

:us: Happy Belated Veterans Day to all our Veterans on FiberKind. (Thank you)
We celebrated by doing what my Veteran wanted to do. A hunting trip/hike in the mountains.
It was my first time out hunting. Since we didn’t find what we were looking for out there it was really a long, and very silent hike.

This time we went further up the Mormon Emigrant trail and found a bit of left over snow and lots of fire damage from the Caldor fire that swept thru a couple of years ago. Very sad to see the devastation and destruction left over. There are fresh signs of animals in the area though.


I have started a discussion in the stashdown thread. (here: Looking to 2024. I am trying to decide if we want to keep this challenge going and how to modify it for the future.

Those are so cute!


Welcome! :smile:

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thank you! Im excited to be here.


Thank you!!

That looks so Fallish! I don’t remember Calif. in the Fall, probably because I was away a lot visiting family in Nebraska and Massachusetts, it seems that is when my DH had to go away for schools. Also, that leaves fell off the trees at odd times of the year in SoCal and that it rained and rained and rained in January!
We did a little hiking last weekend to enjoy the color. No pics, though.

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OOOH Ahhhh!! so delicate and pretty!

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So, I really have been doing a little knitting and spinning. You know that meme, “In October: I want to make handmade gifts for all my friends. In December: I have 3 friends.” That’s me.
I have one done. But I am furiously spinning my hand-dyed fiber that I purchased for this purpose, 2 done so far and I think I can possibly get one long and one short Sophie Scarf from each. I have potentially 8 to make.
I’ve just finished hemming 2 pairs of curtains so that is finished and I can move on with my life!!!


We were able to visit the Massachusetts Military Reservation/Joint Base Cape Cod on Veteran’s Day, it’s a very sobering reminder.


Those are BEAUTIFUL! Im still a beginner spinner. Its hard to find the time with 3 little boys

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Welcome @LynnKnits

@PurlgirlButtons SoCal has those powerful Santa Anna winds. Maybe they blew all your leaves away before you could enjoy the fall colors. I remember it being so warm in SoCal on Thanksgiving one year I didn’t freak out when my little one jumped into a kiddie pool to splash around while I was preparing the food. My last thanksgiving down there was covered in ash from a bad fire season. I didn’t complain about the ash that year. We knew several people who had lost everything in the fast moving Cedar fire.

Your spun yarn looks amazing. Will you be able to complete all of those projects without hurting yourself? I know I would be very sore from it all.

Tell us about yourself Lynn :slight_smile:

Im from Vancouver, Washington (Across the river from Portland, OR) but just moved to Minnesota. I was homeschooled. Im the oldest of 5. Im a stay at home mom of 3 boys ages 8, 4,and2. My mom taught me how to crochet when i was 5. I taught myself how to knit when i was 10.I just turned 28 last week. I started a knit group at my church called the fiber bearing women. my Friends back in WA called me the sock queen. I have just in the last year started spinning on my EEW6.


Welcome @LynnKnits! I’m a fairly new spinner, too, started during the lockdown of ‘20 with an EEW nano, now I have :blush:3 Schacht wheels. One was a gift.
I hope you can find some respite from the daily chores and maybe a little bit of inspiration and comeraderie.


Not sure if I will, but I’m pacing myself!

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