March is National Craft Month - Chatter & Prizes

You’re certainly keeping your hands busy! Beautiful scarf!

So you’re ready to get it on the machine! We’ll expect you to model it ya know!

Love Love Love these butterflies!

@TexasPurl - me too! :slight_smile:

That looks very cozy! My daughter and I have been watching the Great British Sewing Bee via YouTube; lots of fun and has been reminding me to refine my sewing skills :wink:

Thanks @Sings4joy!

Thanks :heart::heart:

Aw, shucks, thanks :relaxed::relaxed:

I’m getting confused. I know I posted a compliment about this beautiful shawl but I don’t know if it got lost in the thread delete or if it was in a different thread. Because it’s so beautiful, I’m posting again!

@lovestostitch I think it was lost. :frowning: I was deleting a post that seemed to be spam, and the option that said “delete post” didn’t delete the one post, it deleted the whole thing. Lesson learned! :fk:

I look forward to seeing your finished robe. It’s really nice to see others who sew too. I used to make all my clothes until I discovered weaving, now there just isn’t enough hours or energy in the day. Good luck with the sewing!

I love perle cotton, love the shine! I use it in weaving bands. Your butterflies are very pretty and I’m sure they will be the perfect update for your wreath!

I’m working on the Battenberg Blanket by Sandra Paul. This has been an on going project for over a year now and I can finally share more than a pile of tiny granny squares! Here’s a quarter of the blanket joined together.


Wow, just beautiful! You are doing an amazing job on this!

@Jenny Hardebeck - take a look at this! It is beautiful!!

So - do you have a system for picking what color is next or just random?

Aww, thank you! @TexasPurl and @Char

I do have a system, lol. I’m joining the blanket in quarters so I divided all the colored squares into four equal piles. This way of doing it helps me to distribute the colors throughout the blanket. As I’m joining each quarter of the blanket with its own pile of colored squares, it’s a little more random.

Wow, it’s so pretty!

@knitter131 Thanks!

I think today is a good day for a prize!

@ScrMedia donated a copy of her ebook - the random number generator says @TexasPurl is our lucky winner! @srcmedia please send @TexasPurl send a PM to TexasPurl with her personal code! I can’t wait to hear how this book is. :smiley:
