March is National Craft Month - Chatter & Prizes

Yay! How exciting!! I’ll let you all know when you should rush over and grab a copy! Thank you!

Congratulations, Texas Purl - you are SO deserving of a prize!

This is extraordinary! I love it when fiber projects resemble quilting and this makes me think of quilt blocks. It will be loved for decades.

@FreedomLover Thank you! I thought it resembled a quilt also, that’s what attracted me to this pattern!

@TexasPurl Congratulations!

Wow! That is beautiful.

@lovestostitch Thank you!

Good morning everyone! What are you working on today?

My son is at a robotics competition today, so I’ll be happily viewing that and cheering him on. We are opting to avoid huge crowds and watching from home. Much more comfortable than high school bleachers too.

I have one more row of edging on my reflections blanket then that will be done. I am making good progress on a pair of shortie socks, maybe I’ll be able to finish those too.

Then I would like to get started on the test knit for @ShawlsandDolls :-). It looks like a light and airy shawl. :slight_smile:

I made a bit more progress on the Hobbii C2C! It’s coming along!


Love it!!!




Yay! It looks marvelous! That teal border really brought out the colors too!

Very nice! Colors look great together!

I really like this, colors are very pleasing to me!

Thanks @Kathy7661!

@TexasPurl - Congratulations!

Oh, it’s working up beautifully!

Woot! Great job!

I think my triangle shawl is long enough. I just have to do five more rows to reach another garter stripe because I want the edge to be garter stitch.
