Is it just me? I'm excited about knitting again

I have been an avid knitter for the last ten years, and the last month I have hardly knit at all. Looking forward to exploring this new website

Welcome! I look forward to hearing about your next knitting project.

WOW!!! Not only BUILT a triangle loom (whatever that but have even woven a garment on it! Impressive. I think weaving is really cool…spinning too. But I need more hobbies like…well, you know!
Let’s here it for the return of MOJO!!!

I was one of those that was never active on the R forums, not that I had any bad experiences, I just have a hard time connecting with people, even cyberly. ;0) But this place feels different, and I am going to try harder because I think this is a place where I can belong.

@dogtrnr Yeah…I think it wasn’t very easy to join in on lots of forums on R. I’d been posting since almost the beginning of that site, so I felt comfortable in most areas, but even then sometimes joining new groups wasn’t the friendliest feeling. Seemed like there were a lot of unspoken rules for participating. The atmosphere here is a lot more open.

That is wonderful! I’m so happy to hear that! It is nice to be in such a good group, isn’t it!

I too wondered if others felt this way! I have been buying patterns and knitting again. My heart feels so much lighter, the oppressive feeling is gone. Wonderful…

I agree, The atmosphere here is very welcoming and calm. Love this new site :slight_smile:

I have been having a hard time getting my creative juices flowing. I started a couple things and did some spinning but just felt blah. I was looking at a teddy bear that I knitted from my handspun a long time ago and thought that it would be fun to knit another one, but of course I lost the pattern. It was such a fun knit because it was knit and stuffed at the same time and toward the end the bear was hanging off the needles by a leg. I remember that I was knitting it in public and little kids were fascinated! I looked all over the internet and found a lot of knitting patterns for bears (and other stuff!) and also checked out a few books from the library. But then, I found the Little Cotton Rabbit Patterns and started digging through my stash and I have been happily knitting my first bunnie and can hardly wait to knit the clothes!. I was bummed at first because the designer sells on R and suggests looking for tips in the R group, but she also sells on Etsy and there is also a Facebook group devoted to knitting these animals. I will post a picture when I’m done, but I may have to knit the sheep first! It’s nice to be excited again and to have a group to share it with!

I have the little cotton rabbit pattern too… thanks for reminding me of it! It would be the perfect sized toy for my little baby granddaughters.

I have contacted some R designers and asked if they sold elsewhere because I didn’t use R anymore… and got nice replies telling me where to buy their patterns elsewhere. I’m sure the R designers will start to realize they need to diversify due to R’s policies and hate. Most already sell somewhere else too. Why put all your eggs in one basket, right?

I too have my knitting mojo back. Since January I have felt the happiness I get from knitting and dyeing yarn had been hijacked. Since the establishment of this new site I am excited to pick up my needles and zoom through a few projects again.

Thank you so so much Admin for providing an all inclusive community and I am looking forward to getting to know others from all over the world here. No one here wants to rain on my craft parade and I can’t tell you how much that means to me.

This is a positive and encouraging environment and I am so happy to leave the negativity behind. It was encroaching all aspects of my life. I have found a new knitting home and can’t stop smiling again.

Isn’t it great?

I feel like I want to do a happy dance every time I visit this site. Is that silly???

Not at all.

No, it’s not silly, it is such a wonderful feeling to come to this site and just be me!!

Feels good not to have to bite my tongue for fear my comment may be viewed as offensive.

Thank you!

Me too I got so much knitting done after boycotting R. I think I wasted more knitting time there than I realized.

This thread and this comment in particular is why I joined.
I have found an alternate for every R function except sharing FOs and pattern tips. So happy to have a place where people are actually gathering around crafts we have in common

I think as the site develops there will be more ways to share. Admin is working on the stash section now, so there’s progress being made behind the scenes. So excited about that!