Stashbuster ideas!!

Thanks, I can certainly use it. I worked diligently on it for days and then grew a bit bored and made a bunny and started another one and worked on another blanket. So far I believe I have used up the remnants from nine colors.

Is the bunny the one in your profile picture? It is cute!

Yes! He is a smaller bunny by Julie Williams Little Cotton Rabbits patterns. I named him Whipper, finished him two days ago and started his sister today. His little striped jumper nearly drove me nuts with all the weaving in of ends.

And Thank you!

@Fisherwife Yes, the Battenberg Blanket is quite a commitment but just remember why you chose to make it…it’s beautiful!
I worked on it off and on through last year and hope to finish mine this year. I’m not pressuring myself to do it at all and if I want to work on something else, it’s okay! It’s really a lovely project to work on (imho). You get to finish squares quite quickly, change colors often and it’s portable (for now). I often look at the picture of the finished blanket to get motivated again. I sure hope this helps, it would be fun to share our progress.
Love your bunny!

@Char ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Thanks for the shout out!

I do love that! I have some yarn that I am looking for that kind of a design and I might try it!

Just bumping back to the stop of the thread!

What great FIL! Have you filled this up yet? We’d all love to see it with your stash. Tell him we are all jealous!

I am a relatively new spinner so I had lots of handspun that was not enough quantity for anything that would fit me except maybe hats, and I don’t like to donate handspun hats because you never know how they’re going to be washed. So… I made a miter square blanket out of them!! I had previously made one out of leftover sock yarns but this one is worsted weight handspun.


That’s just gorgeous! & Huge!

Wow. Looks very cozy and warm. Great job.

Yes, I made it to fit my King Size bed… Nice and warm too for the winter.

This so pretty!!

Wow, what an accomplishment! It’s so cozy looking, nicely done!

Wow–love this!! What a good idea for using up your handspun yarns!

That is beautiful!

Wow wow wow! Do you rent out your FIL?

How is yours coming? I also started one with DK yarn. I think it will wind up being a smaller lap style… but I am working towards a sock yarn version. :slight_smile:

Love it!!!

I should really get back to my leftovers now. Lol

This is stunning and will be an heirloom to your family.

How talented you are! Beautiful piece and as @FreedomLover said, an heirloom for sure. Thanks for sharing it with us.