SPIN TOGETHER spinning event

I am late to this party but would love to participate in a Jan event.

Hi! We didn’t form a team for Spin Together but we are hoping to have something for January. We had an awesome “Spin de Fleece” on this platform concurrent with “Tour de Fleece” elsewhere. A few of us also do SE2SE projects, ongoing.

Ok I think because I did not do it last night they are not going to let us set up a team :confused: I’m sorry I delayed. I was hoping to get a response last night from a few of you before I went to bed. So I did not complete the form. This morning when I completed the form I had started when I submitted it, it popped up and said team creation was closed
my apologies. I guess if someone wants to organize something on here I would be willing to sponsor or give a prize or two.

am I correctly understanding that you won’t have an “official team” but are open to a FiberKind event?

yes https://fiberkind.com/member/1216-wheat you are correct we are not having an official team Fancy Kitty is a sponsor of the Spin together event but we DO NOT HAVE A TEAM ! and yes I would be certainly open to a FIBER KIND event!

@fancykitty, in response to your last comment here, we are looking at doing something in January, possibly a St. Distaff’s day or Rock Day (both the same thing). While that’s a 1-day event, we could use it as a kick-off for a 1-week event. So definitely could use some sponsors and prizes if you’re interested!