Spin De Fleece Progress Reports

Polwarth and Polwarth/Silk are my favorite to spin. I love how it poofs after a bath.

I have spun 30-60 minutes every day since my last post. I might get more time in today.


So happy to be with Spin De Fleece.


Wow! I uploaded this photo on my phone… I had no idea it was so big! Clearly, I need to work on adding pictures correctly!


@VivianPearl, now I’m really excited to get it finished!

I seem to have lost track of what day it is…is it day 8 or 9 of the tour? I have spun every day but I think I have my numbers mixed up. Ack!

My “Spin de Fleece” goal is to flick Shetland locks every day for at least 15 minutes, and so far, so good. It is clear that even these short sessions add up to accomplishment, which is very encouraging! Thank you getting this challenge up and running:)


You aren’t alone spinning cotton! When not flicking locks, I have a Turkish spindle with natural brown cotton to work on. What will you do with yours? I am thinking about some dish towels as in PLY Magazine Issue 12, Cotton, page 94 :slight_smile:

Today (Sun Jul 14) is day 9

@Carlotta, I guess it will depend on how much I have. What I have done so far has been 3 ply and not particularly suited to weaving. That just may be knitted washcloths. I think from here out, I will do 2 ply that I should be able to incorporate in my weaving. I started on the dyed sliver this afternoon and am enjoying it much better.

Yesterday was all spinning mechanics but after about 1/2 hour, with help from the brilliant people from Facebook’s Schact Spinning group, I finally got my wheel up and running. This is Saturday’s mini-skein. It’s from some neppy Polwarth that I had stashed - good practice yarn and FINALLY, I’ve been able to spin something that’s balanced. Now to work on consistency. I might not get there with all the neppyness, but onward!

Today I labeled everything that I did this week and spun about 20 minutes. All told - about a 30 minute day.


Oooh, I love that little mini skein!! I had the same thing happen to me yesterday…flat tire (treadle fell off), but my husband was home so I went into the pits and he fixed me right up and I was off and spinning again!

Yarnforall, hooray for cotton spinners! I love long draw spinning, and cotton is absolutely the best for it.

Travel spinning. Cookies and cream cotton.

Travel spinning. Cookies and cream cotton.

That is so pretty!

Plied for an hour…hope to finish up and start on my next braid.


I just realized I completely forgot my update for the day! Day 9 and the beginnings of a thick and thin yarn! Should I ply it into beehives?


Beautiful! And it’s a good size. I like being able to see stuff :slight_smile: