Sophie's Universe 5 Year Anniversary

@Monchichi One last thing is to do a search for crochet rugs, there are many circular patterns.

Do any of these help or isn’t this what you were after?

I will be checking these out today, thank you!

I will be looking at this today too! Thanks!

Thank you! The colors were chosen to match the crib bedding my friend chose for her nursery. She’s not finding out the gender, and she chose a Winnie the Pooh set. I’ll try to post a pic of the bedding below.

Wow, thanks everyone! I’m having such fun with this project, at the moment all my other WIP’s are gathering dust :blush::blush:

@knitter131— per our discussion I have moved your beautiful photos here! :two_hearts:

Thanks, Dear :heart:

Thanks, @DJM @pinesprairie and @Kathy7661 :blush::blush:

I believe there’s a link to the website in the first post, first paragraph. I googled Sophie’s Universe and found it after jumping through hoops :blush:

Oh, that’s coming along beautifully! :heartpulse:

Thank you, @DJM @Hellokitten and @TexasPurl. :grinning:

Thanks, @pinesprairie and @Kathy7661 :blush::blush:

Finished with round 6, I took a short break from it to complete some large projects. Fingering weight, size is 19-1/2", weight is 181 grams. Lots of texture, if anyone wanted to make this in a solid color, it would be beautiful :blush::blush: [IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​

Edited to add the picture :upside_down_face:


@Bunyip Are you still thinking you might like to give a single color a go?

Oh there we go @knitter131, I was thinking you wanted me to use my imagination (so I did) but I like your picture so much better. I can see what you mean about the texture and unless you see it in person it can get a little lost. Now I wish I could just hug it.

@pinesprairie, I’m finding this to be a wonderful adventure, every new row is so much fun! The rows are getting longer, so I only completed 3 today. I stop when my concentration begins to blur, lol.

@knitter131 CALs like these are some of my favorite things because I don’t get bored. And each one is different so you can go forever! It does take longer and longer so progress isn’t as obvious but it’s so worth i
That’s good advice though - to stop when the concentration blurs. If I followed it, I wouldn’t have to frog as much!

So pretty!

Thank you, @pinesprairie @TexasPurl and @DJM - I’m having so much fun with it :grinning::grinning:

Thanks, @FreedomLover :blush::blush: