September 2023

Happy Labor Day to those in the U.S.

Any holiday fun?

My son is at work housekeeping today, laboring for the tourists.

We’ve been to our community corn roast twice and may go back today :corn:


I’m not really doing anything for Labor Day this weekend, just getting stuff done around the house. We are having our party next weekend when we are getting together with a bunch of family from my dad’s side for a reunion. We haven’t had a reunion since 2018 and I haven’t seen most of my family on that side since then so I am REALLY looking forward to it. My grandpa was married twice and his oldest child was born in 1928 and the youngest in 1960 (my dad was the first wife’s second youngest, born in 1940), so there are a lot of years covered. We’re hoping to make sure that the stories of the older aunts and uncles, especially, are shared with us younger family members and recorded so they don’t get lost to time. Our reunion theme this year is “Tying Our Family Together” and we will be sharing family pictures and mementos. Most exciting, some of the aunts will be teaching everyone who wants to participate how to tie a quilt and we’ll be working on one at the reunion. I remember watching my mom, older sister, and aunts tying quilts when I was a kid, but wasn’t interested as a teen. Now that I am interested, my mom isn’t around to teach me, so I want to learn from my other family members while the opportunity is still available!


Busy times over on my side of the world. Pulled out the summer garden and am prepping things for the winter crops. (Seems too early, but, we got early fruit and lots of plants need to go into the ground in September and October)

Crafting along working on a shawl. Almost done. I just need to practice some discipline and concentrate on it and it should be done this week.

@Sjuly what is a Corn Roast? I love farm fresh corn. I bought a lot from a local farm and froze it for this winter. (It is so much better than from the grocery store)

@Nyssareen pls…pass along any info you can. I am interesting in old school quilt tying. I could google it…but would prefer learning on Fiberkind.


I know I could learn from the internet too, but I am much more interested in learning from my aunts and cousins than some random person on the internet. I will definitely pass along anything they teach me!


I’ve been busily getting ready for a quilt show this weekend. I’ll have two quilts in the show. I made another Exploding heart quilt:

And a jewel box quilt that I’ll share the finished picture at a later time.

Please keep my family in your prayers. My uncle passed a few hours ago. :broken_heart:


So sorry to hear this Char.


My congratulations on another lovely quilt, and my deepest condolences on your loss.

I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, @Char. You and your family will be in my thoughts. :heart: :pray:t3:

I’m sorry to hear about your uncle.

Your quilt is gorgeous.

My second quilt in the show. :slight_smile:


for us the summer is now officially over - here’s our boat naked, stripped from her sails


A Corn Roast is when you grill sweet corn in the husks.
It’s soaked in water first, then grilled on charcoal or gas grill, then kept in a tight container like a cooler so it doesn’t dry out until you peel and eat it.
Very popular at big picnics.


I’m trying to tidy up my craft area. Need to take a break every now and then. Finished this quilt top. It was made out of some donated partially used fat quarters. I try to make pretty things for donating. :slight_smile:


Mmmmmm, yes…I can smell it now!:corn: love eating corn on the cobb at the WI state fair.

The sweet corn here in CO is amazing, but this year’s wet summer ruined Oletha’s crop this year, which is sad. (Too many moths laid eggs on the corn silk)


I have had grilled corn on the cob before. But we peeled it, put butter on it, wrapped it in foil and on grill far from the active heat.

And interesting thing started happening over here a few years back. (maybe 10 or so)
Growing up corn on the cob was sold in husk, in the grocery stores, and it was considered rude to open it to see the quality of the corn. You basically just observed the outside and took your chances. My husband was the first one I had ever seen open the corn husk to see the ear. Then, the military base grocery store started putting a garbage can next to the corn. And everyone just peeled it there and bought their corn. Now…everywhere I go there is a garbage can next to the corn display. (unless I go to a farmers market. They still operate on the old school method)

What is the method for choosing corn where you guys are?? (my hubby and I are from two different areas of the US)

@Char lovely quilts. How did the quilt show go? I am sure everyone loved your quilts.


Where I live most people just peel back about and inch or so of the husk to see the corn, then wrap it back up again.


I have made many of these Bloom Chunky hats for various female friends and family members in the past couple of years and everyone has loved them. I made this hat to sell at my family reunion last Saturday to help raise money for the next reunion. I simply had to share how this hat sold because it was the best ever! I was running the Country Store table and had to price each item, but as I have never sold my knitting anywhere before, I had no idea and just gave them prices I thought people could afford. I believe this hat was listed at $6. One of my cousin’s daughters came over to the table, along with her 3 or 4 year old daughter. The little girl was obviously VERY enamored of something on the table, but so shy that she couldn’t even bring herself to whisper into her mother’s ear the item she wanted until I purposely looked away from her (my youngest was also very shy, so I knew the signs). When she finally told her mother the item she was so in love with, her mother looked at the tag and said she could have it, and she’d go get the money from the car. I handed the hat to the little girl and said she could have it now since I knew her mom was coming back with the money. A look of awe came to her little face and she very carefully took it, silently said “Thank you” (her lips moved, but no sound came out), then wrapped her arms around it like it was the lovey she’d had since birth and can not possibly go anywhere without and went to stand by her aunt. She didn’t put that hat down once (it was WAY too hot to wear the knitted hat, though she did try a few times!) all day. Every time I saw her, I smiled at her and when it was time to go, she actually gave me a shy smile back when her mom came over to say goodbye. Between the stuff my aunt, cousin, and I made, we made enough to at least pay for the main dish for dinner at our next get-together, but no amount of money could mean more to me than how happy this hat made this sweet little girl. The picture was taken right after I gave her the hat, but that is pretty much how she held it all day.


@Nyssareen This is how I feel about the blankets I have made for my kiddos. I knit a cabeled baby blanket for my second kiddo, who calls it, “Green blankie.” (Yes, it is green) and uses it everyday and when she left it at the hotel in the middle of NE a half hour behind us she asked very quietly when she realized it, “Mommy, do you have green blankie?” It is probably the only thing I would drive back for!:rofl:
And since I made a blanket for the younger kid, I had to make one for the older kid, which was bed sized, and she uses it everyday. Nice to have something I made appreciated.


Wip Wednesday. I am working on a few things. Picked up one of the charity blankets I started in July, changed colors and worked a couple of rows while watching the 80s miniseries Lonesome Dove.
I did finish a few things last week. I made firestarters to sell this fall when I sell my fruit. And I finished the wool blend shawl I was working on.

And I found a home for it already. My daughter in laws friend. (about 30yrs) is going in for a procedure on her heart today. They need her awake and then they will induce the heart issue and determine from viewing the inside how to help her. She will either have an ablation or they will immediately put in a pacemaker. This young woman loved the picture of the shawl I sent and would love to have it. (woo hoo! I am so glad she would like to have it. People haven’t wanted my crafts in a couple of years)


@hereami the quilt show went well. Lots of beautiful quilts on display. I was tired and sore for a few days after, but doing better now.

I started on some Scottie dogs for appliqué. I’d really like to master appliqué. We’ll see