Rockin’ Rookies

SdF Week 2, Day 7 30 minutes of spinning time to add to this little bobbin…spent time on our Fiberkind Virtual Yarnies get-together crocheting 2 coasters with my handspun, which was one of my goals of Spin de Fleece. I met my goal of at least 30 minutes a day, having spun 5 hrs 40 minutes this week.



The coasters are awesome! I have cotton crocheted coasters at my house and I use them daily. How does the wool work for hot and cold drinks?

Those are so cute - what a perfect thing to do with that pretty and cheerful yarn! You had a productive week.

These are great, and I loved “meeting” you yesterday!

Those coasters are so pretty!! What a neat feeling of accomplishment when you make a finished product from yarn you’ve spun. Good job!

@Shauna825, wool is supposed to be a good insulator and it absorbs moisture, and these will be slightly felted before sending them off.!

@PurlgirlButtons that’s a great idea. I never thought of felting them.

I remembered that yesterday was a rest day…but then I forgot because my thumb felt better and did about an hour of spinning and fighting with my spinner. I decided my brake band was getting a little stretched, but not stretched enough to move to the next bead. I tied a little knot in it and it seems to be doing better. It’s very finicky that way. Too tight and it won’t move, too loose and you just get pigtails. This is probably where a normal spinning wheel is a huge advantage, but usually, it doesn’t take me too long to find the sweet spot! It gets harder, though, when the bobbin is almost but not quite full.

I’m on a Scotch tension regular spinning wheel and I’m always re-adjusting the brake tension because as you said, as the bobbin fills . . . (sounds like a soap opera).

Finished off my Cosmic? Banshee Fiber Arts Studio 4 oz braid #2 last night with only 32 minutes of spinning. Today I will try to ply. I’m still looking for patterns for small balls of handspun.


That’s pretty yarn. It would make cute fingerless mitts or blanket squares.

SdF Week 3 Day 5: One hour of Howie Carr and Art Bell podcasts and I’m almost done with this.


You sure are making some fun yarns! They remind me of the coveted Spincycle yarns showcased in the Andrea Mowry Shifty series.

This is gorgeous!

Wow! You’re spinning like a pro, aren’t you new to this?

I love the colors. I listen to podcasts also while I spin.

SdF Week 3, Day 7 Spinned (have spun?) for a little over an hour today, and was thinking it was the final day, but it is NOT! So I will hang in there and bring my spinner with me to the Cape and crank out a little bit more of my hand dyed Corrie mix. I finished a big braid of blue today, about 35 grams, while on our Fiberkind Zoom Get-together. I did manage to fulfill my challenges, making something with handspun, and spinning over an hour both Challenge days. Thankfully I have throttled back a little compared to my first week, and my thumb is much better for it.


I’ve started this new pair of mittens using my handspun. not yarn spun during Spin de Fleece. but the brown is the very first full skein I ever spun when I was first learning. and the white balls are my second and third skeins, and are considerably thinner then the first, so I’m knitting them held double so they match up with the brown more-or-less.
The fiber is a wool+alpaca blend and came out woolly and rustic, so some nice thick mittens should be a good way to use it.


Those are totally awesome and I love the colors. A beautiful pattern and lovely spinning and knitting!

I’m glad about your thumb - hope it continues better. That color of blue is so nice.