November 2023

I hope everyone had a great Holiday and those who are sick are feeling better now. Sure sounded like a nasty cold/flu was going around. Anyone test positive for anything??

Did anyone find out if Rosemary was okay? I never heard about a train derailment and toxic spill.

I learned a lot this weekend. (about people and nature) We had a busy time of celebrating being Thankful and a birthday. Among other things we got out for a Birthday hike near a town named Challenge here in Ca. Absolutely beautiful 360 degree view from a fire watch tower. I saw some amazing things. Like this old Manzanita Tree. (I had no idea manzanita would grow to this height. Every manzanita I had ever seen was a shrub)

I did some crafting to relax after all the holiday work. Working on a cross stitch blanket. Not much to see yet. Things won’t begin to look good until after I do some of the outlining and such. For example, the cross stitch stuffy elephant is a blob of different shades of orange. lol…not identifiable at all.


yes - Rosemary is fine, thanks for asking - she hadn’t even heard about the accident

lovely pictures - thanks for sharing! - we have snow and -12C temperatures


Whew, I didn’t know manzanita could get that big either! Fire lookouts are awesome views if you can visit them. I’ve been to one or two.


34th pair finished this year started Nov 21st


Woo Hoo! Seems like a very large amount.
Do you have a number of socks you want to make in a year? (a goal?)
These are so cute. Love the colors.

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I dont really have a goal number it was just the first year ive been keeping track of my making ive also made 5 tops/sweaters this yr, 3 of which were toddler sizes. 3pairs of baby booties,6hats/headbands,a hooded blanket(crochet) now im working on fingerless mitts for my kids teachers.


Wow, Great job!
Amazing list of completed projects!

Thanks! Did I mention that I have 3 young kids and moved across the country this year?