Migration is complete! Post questions here!

Hi, I have a question about “Archive” versus “Unlist” … what does “Unlist” do, and can it be undone? Thanks.

Unlist hides the topic so it can only be accessed by a direct link to the topic. I’m sure it can be undone though I don’t know the exact steps – if retracing your steps doesn’t work, send me a link and I’ll take a look.

A more thorough description of closing/archiving/unlisting is at What is the difference between Closed, Unlisted and Archived topics? - faq - Discourse Meta .

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The link you gave is great! The visual they gave while explaining is Absolutely Wonderful…lol.

@HeatherAthebyne @HeatherAthebyneAdmin
Hi Heather, I have a question for you :grin:
The color in my notifications is different from what it was a day or so ago and I can’t seem to figure out how to change it.

When I click on the notifications and the down box opens, you can see the very first notification is new but it is barely highlighted and at night I tend to turn my light on my iPad down and it makes it even harder to see which notifications I haven’t looked at yet.

When I click on my person icon and go to my information page, it shows the unread notifications in the dark purple like it used to on the section you see in the first picture. How do I change it so that section has my unread notifications in the purple again? Thanks for your help :blush:

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And here I thought I’d got through the last upgrade with no user-facing changes… :laughing: I’ve tweaked the FiberKind Dark theme to restore that color. I don’t know whether it’ll affect anything else in that theme (it won’t affect any other theme), so if something else is bothering you let me know.

I’m having the same issue and I’m using the Light theme. The unseen notifications used to be a brighter purplish color but now they are light grey. With my aging eyes, it is very difficult to see the difference between the read and unread ones. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Have you checked this morning to see if color has changed back for your unseen notifications? When I got on this morning mine were back and definitely so much easier to differentiate, thank you @HeatherAthebyne :hugs: I really, really do appreciate it!!!

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I found where to play with my colors. Thank you @HeatherAthebyne for so many eye friendly options.
I chose Solarized blue / dark mode
It is very easy on my eyes so far. And the contrast is great. The unread messages show up as a tan or mustard color. Love it!! Thank you.

I am having trouble posting, so am testing here

I am trying to comment on someone’s post in the 2023 stashdown thread for March 4 th. and nothing happens when I hit reply. No idea what is going wrong.

If you’re on a desktop or laptop, try holding the Shift key and pressing F5 – this refreshes the page and clears some stuff. A super refresh, if you will. If that doesn’t clear it up, can you link me to the post in question?

Shift F5 didn’t work to refresh the page, but I clicked the refresh button at the top of the page and that worked… Thanks very much.

Yep, it is back to the easy to see purple now!