May 2024

@sheiskanen Thank you for posting those. Looks stunning! Has she run into any yarn stores up there?

Having Mothers Day here in the US. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. :fk:


Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures Sonja.

Char, this sounds like an exciting new venture!

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!


Well, I’ve decided this isn’t the time for a quilt / yarn shop. To get anything of any size it’s going to cost many thousands a month. Definitely if I do it, it will be after I’m done paying for college.

Although I’ve been asked if I’ll be doing long arm quilting and retreats. I’ve also asked if my husband would get certified to repair machines. lol probably babylock or brother as both are absent from this neck of the woods. :wink:

A five year plan I suppose.

Does that mean I should spend the next 5 years buying fabric and yarn so I can full stock it when I do? :joy::joy::joy:


yes, she found a yarn store in Kechican :smile: - from what I hear she and her sister are having a wonderful time


According to the information that I have (for my knitting cruise in June) there are 2 yarn shops in Ketchikan. I don’t know about Juneau or Skagway, the other two stops on my cruise.


Wow…a knitting cruise. Please let us know how it goes. Sounds fun.


The instructor is Mary Annarella, we’ll be doing mosaic knitting. Not cheap but this is a once in a lifetime trip. There will be plenty of non-knitting things for Steve to do while I’m in class.


Well, I could probably stock a shop already, perhaps I should look into this! (Though I’m lucky enough to have two fabric stores and several outlets that sell yarn currently active near me…)


There is the Aurora Yarns in Skagway - they have yarn from the Alaska Yarn Company that is like heaven for your toes. :heart::heart:


Thanks, hopefully I’ll have time to go there. We are taking a scenic train ride in Skagway. I think it’s called the white mountain pass ride, but not sure about that.


What kind of crafting will everyone be doing this summer?
At the moment my plan is to work through my wips. However, I know that my mind will wander and I will start something new and exciting.

Here are the latest wips. The one with edging I think I finished either late last month or the beginning of May. The granny square one is using the left over yarn. I will edge this one with white. Both are charity blankets. I know I started the original one last year.


I am finishing up a cowl for a friend and then I am hoping to make a sweater this summer (1st one ever), probably a baby blanket for a neighbor, and maybe finish a very old scarf wip.


When you are ready would you please post a pic of the cowl. I have 2 skeins of alpaca that I am thinking about using to make a cowl. But, I am stuck trying to think of a pattern.

That sounds like a great list of thing to try to do this summer. I have never made a sweater. I know many here of FiberKind have.


Sweaters are my favorite thing to make.

A tip: Compare the pattern dimensions to a sweater that fits you well. If you sew, you"ll understand.


more @Majormomma 's pictures - in the first one she’s with a friend she’s known for 51 years!


She looks great!
And the views are absolutely amazing. Thx for sharing.


Finally finished with the yarn. These will be charity blankets, if they are refused by a couple of people.

Dr. Watson, my kitten, approves. He was inspecting them before I could put away all of the supplies I had used to make them. He is going to stay a little guy, I think. He is about 7 months now.

The extra yarn will be packaged up and placed in my local Free Little Library box. (I will include a hook and links to learn to crochet)


Dr Watson is as charming as the blankets! And what a lovely idea for the yarn leftovers. I wish there was a Free Little Library near me, but from what I’ve seen the only UK one is in Yorkshire, and I’m in Staffordshire.

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I was seriously considering putting on up on my own property.
Then 2 appeared within walking distance.

You should ask around. Only 1 of my 2 is listed on the official map.

They are fun and the boxes themselves can be whimsical.
During the lock downs and great toliet paper shortage I would often ziploc a roll and leave it in the box. Also, a basic can of soup or something comforting.


It really does sound terrific, a lovely fun way to support your local community. I will ask around and see if anyone knows of one closer - or if anyone knows of a location we can set one up.