May 2024

I suppose we could start a May thread :slight_smile:

A friend and I are brainstorming and looking at opening a fabric store. We really need one in the area. :slight_smile:


Will you carry yarn too??? And fabric other than for quilting. Inquiring minds want to know.


Oh wow! How exciting!
How close is the nearest one to your town?

My mom’s city has only 10K people in it and there has been an independent fabric store there since 1978. Started in a 500 sq foot building and now in a 6k foot building. Their nearest fabric store is at least 30 min away and in big city.

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I would love to have a yarn section as well. I was in a shop recently that had both. Might carry fabric for other needs…. lol

We have a shop that sells machines and cabinets, with an extremely small fabric section (it comes and goes and you never know for sure if she has fabric). We also have a Joann’s.

Otherwise you have to drive at least 45 minutes to get to a fabric store…. We’re in a big area, too. I don’t believe we have a yarn store either. The one that was here - the owner retired. Hmmm. Interesting.

I’ve been looking at storefronts of about 1,000 sq ft. Pricing after it is all said and done around here is about 12-15 per sq ft per year. We’ll see how things go. Would be nice if I could buy a house and put it out or build something on our land. Lol


That sounds wonderful, Char - best of luck with it!

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The fabric shop in my moms town is a house. A house right on the main street of town.
Also, the yarn store I stopped in while traveling was a house on the main street of town.

Here are their sites, so you can take a look around.

The Wool Company

They both are cute and practical inside. Room to shop and room for a class.


The quilt shop and retreat center I frequented last year and for our Fiberkind Retreats (and will again, just waiting a bit due to my surgery, graduations, etc) is a former nursing home - very ideal. If I could just find a former nursing home here …. lol…

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JoAnn’s fabric selection gets worse all the time - other than fleece! They have lots of fleece.


Wow! @Char Good luck!

I found out yesterday that my closest LYS/quilting store is closing.:tired_face: The owner is retiring. While I am in a big city, there really aren’t any LYS close to me. Without this one at 20 minutes away the next is 30 minutes away. There are a number downtown , and relatively close together, but between parking and crime, no thanks.


It will be a while. Maybe when the boys are through college. Right now that takes priority. Storefronts are outrageous. :frowning:

Maybe online to begin with.


They were having bankruptcy problems but have worked it out supposedly.


Which area’s that?

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This seems to be a tough weather season for some of us.
Did you guys in the mid and upper mid-west make it thru this last week of tornadoes and intense hail and rain okay??

It would have been good, stay at home and craft weather if you didn’t have to hunker down in your best storm shelter.

I’m crafting my way thru some Wips. Almost ready to get to the sew things together stage.
The garden survived a stretch of rain and wind. Only lost a couple of plants.

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Tuesday’s tornadoes went north of us, and yesterday’s severe weather also missed us. It is raining today and the plants really need it.


The tornados and bad weather went all around us but skipped our town. Thank goodness. :slight_smile:


The new issue of Blocked is live! The topic of this issue is “bear/bare arms.” Read it while it’s hot!

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as you may know Rosemary (@Majormomma) is travelling to Alaska - she doesn’t have access to regular wifi and asked me to post some pictures for you :slight_smile:


more pictures from Rosemary’s (@Majormomma) trip

the following are from Juneau, AK


Those pics are amazing, what a wonderful place Alaska is!


My nephew lived and worked in Alaska for 2 years about 15 years ago. The pictures he brought back were just stunning. These are gorgeous and I hope she is having as good a time as it looks like she is in these. Thanks for sharing!