May 2023 Chatter

I’m trying to invite you. Did it work? My tablet was being weird. If it didn’t work, I’ll try my laptop.

No, I haven’t received an invitation :thinking:

I have no clue how to invite people to the zoom. I am asking people for help over on the private link page. (I tried to invite you…Did it work??)

Hope to see you tomorrow.

Yep, your invite worked :blush: Thank you!


Thank you for trying :hugs: @hereami was able to link me.


hi all. I made a June 2023 chatter thread. Hope to see you all over there. ( @Char hope that was okay…if not, please let me know ) :saluting_face:


Thank you. Time gets away from us all.

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Absolutely perfect!!! :slight_smile:

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I had my youngest graduate from high school!


Congratulations! I wonder if you have mixed feelings, as I do at the prospect of my youngest graduating next year…! A new phase of life.


Empty nest was terrible for me. I really had to work on it.

One of my grandkids starts Eighth grade this fall. The other two will be in 3rd and 1st.

Our children don’t live close, but we see them every few months. Thank goodness no long distance rates on the phone as decades ago.


He is going to technical college locally for the next two years so at least the house won’t be empty so soon. That would be a lot harder for me. Especially since my two oldest are far away. It seems like the youngest becomes your most reliable companion as the older ones move on. I want him to spread his wings and take all the opportunities but I’m glad to have him around a little longer.

I don’t think I will miss much about the school year or events. I have had at least one child in school for the past 21 years and I am okay with it being done. Definitely won’t miss trying to get out of work quickly to make it to a concert yet still being 5 minutes late or being given a permission slip at 6:50am.


I have homeschooled my children for 7 years or so, and my eldest will actually be living at home for the next three years or so. However, next year is the last year for my youngest and he will be off to college the following year. I just hope he chooses a closer college, because it will be very hard to see him go. My husband and I work from home, so it will be a hard transition. My son is very ready to leave home, but who can blame him?!! :smile:


At least you spread your kids out. I had all three of mine in 2years, 8 months. And all in college at the same time.
The nicest thing was that their activities were all at or close to the same level as they were growing up. The last one moved out over twenty years ago and it’s still an empty feeling.
I’m thankful that although we live far apart we visit often and have a great relationship.