May 2022 Chatter

So excited for you. This is going to be so much fun to watch grow.
My zucchini is the normal variety. It really doesn’t need any support and not much room to spread out.

What an exciting week here on Fiberkind. I have noticed so many things getting done.
Gardens coming along nicely.
Craft rooms getting better organized.
Projects being worked on.
People taking care of themselves.
Memories being made and shared.

…And it is only Tuesday…

What did you use to make the squash tunnel?

I hope he got it fixed today :slight_smile:

Think of what we can do the rest of the week! :slight_smile:

I was thinking how much I like bats, having just come in from a little batwatching in the back garden - then I remembered that our bats don’t tend to carry rabies, and I understood the problem. Hope he gets that hole fixed soon!

He just finished! It still needs cosmetic work - patching the seams and painting but it is sealed up. No more critter scares.

My grandpa (born in 1925) was one of those who grew up far too fast. His dad was a drunk so he was the second provider (his mother being the primary) for his 4 younger siblings by the time he was 8. When he was 14, his mother forged his birth certificate so he could join the Army and make better money…and he ended up going to war at 16 and doing some really amazing things. People talk about how fast kids grow up these days, and in many ways they do, but I think in many other ways, previous generations grew up SO much faster. I can’t imagine either of my boys coming up with the idea of joining the Army to support 4 younger siblings at the age of 14 and actually being able to do it as successfully as my grandfather did. But then, my boys didn’t HAVE to make any choices like that, because compared to my grandfather, they had very safe, protected, and easy lives. It’s a trade-off, really, those newsboys didn’t have what we would even recognize as a “childhood” because they had to work to survive from such a young age. Because we live in such a pampered society now, our children are protected from that kind of life, but exposed to other detrimental things.

Happy WIP Wednesday!! I am going to pick up a couple quilts from the long armer today, she still has a couple more to go, but one of the graduation parties is this weekend, so I really need to finish that up. I’ll need to trim it back, put a border on, and wash it. Should be good to go! :slight_smile:

What are you working on?

Last night I wound 7 cakes of yarn - 6 from frogged projects. 2 were from itchy socks and 4 from a poncho type wrap I never wore. This will be new socks. The one in the middle is merino and I’ll use the itchy for sturdy heels and toes.


Yay for making useful socks out of repurposed yarn!

I am working on this pattern. Once established it is a 2 row repeat. So nice to work on.

Do you all think I should start over and go up in hook size?
Or is the pattern not showing up because the yarn is dark and slightly fluffy?

Busy week here, as well.
My van is no long squirting gas out. I had the fuel pump replaced…at a great family owned shop who didn’t overcharge on anything…and made me feel welcome and like they have always known me. We also passed the Ca Smog requirements. Woo Hoo.

Today 4 members of the family are escaping California and moving to Idaho.
So we get to help pack up the moving van.

Quick tip: If anyone is leaving Ca… sometimes it is much cheaper to rent the moving van in another state, drive it here, pack it and drive it back to the state you rented and then return it. (that’s factoring in all expenses) A lot of people in my area are selling and giving away just about everything before they move. It’s worse than when you decide to downsize from a house to an apartment.

shell blanket.jpg

All my relatives moved out of Illinois, another great state. I love living here but I don’t like the politics and the financial condition of the state. We talk about moving but we love our house (remodeled to suit us), our big lot, gardens, fruit trees… Neither one of us minds the climate either. I’m hoping the current governor gets displaced this fall.

Here is the one thing I have finished. A pincushion I whipped up over the weekend. A little clumsy, but fun and nice for using some scraps.


Have you blocked a swatch with that yarn? Sometimes things will change quite a bit after blocking. One thing I learned from years of skirting fleeces and photographing yarns is that looking at things in sunlight can be very helpful, especially with darker color fibers. It might be worth taking it outside and seeing how you like how it looks under sunlight.

We had a very good experience with UPack for moving. A much more reasonable cost for the move than the ridiculous quote we got from PODS. I think it was also a better price than UHaul too, but I don’t remember.

Dark yarns are harder to see patterns on. It looks like a beautiful color. If it doesn’t feel like a frisbee (you like the texture and has the right amount of flimsy), I think you should continue. :slight_smile:

Ooh they’re gorgeous. Is that the yarn you dyed?

Such cute little characters. A blanket will be so unique. Beautiful

Your Ocean blanket is so pretty. I love snuggling up in winter with a blanket on the couch. Beautiful…

Kudos to you for being willing to frog them after having them knitted up completely and even having worn them. But definitely it will pay off–if you aren’t comfortable in them, you’re not going to wear them, and that’s sad, especially after all the work you put into them!