March 2023

It is adorable!

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On the 26th day of March I finished making blocks for next year’s QFK Raffle. Unfortunately I didn’t snap a picture, but we’re going to be laying out blocks at the retreat this week to piece together, so I’ll have a pic then.

Today I am going with a friend to look at a sewing machine (safety in numbers), then likely to a quilt shop or two. LOL

I hope you are having a Motivating Monday!!! :slight_smile:


On the 27th day of March I didn’t do any crafting, but I did go get the sewing machine with my friend. And we stopped at a quilt shop and I found the perfect jelly roll for my brother and soon to be sister in law’s wedding quilt :slight_smile:

Now to find a pattern. I think I know what I want to do but not 100% sure. :slight_smile:


A yarn store I use is closing their brick and mortar shop
Magpies cottage in Sheboygan Falls WI
All items 25% off now. I just bought a sweater quantity of yarn and a gradient set so you can shop without worrying about shoot the moon in the stash challenge. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Anyway it has been a courteous and helpful shop, affordable. I have purchased many projects’ yarn there. I go to Racine frequently and it was fun to occasionally detour over to this shop on my way down.


Very nice! I love Harney & Sons’ Earl Grey but haven’t had it in ages


Ooh, what kind of machine is it?

Thanks! They have some really cool fabrics!

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She bought a Babylock Jazz II :slight_smile: she is hanging a ball doing free motion quilting and this has a large throat plate which will make it quite a bit easier for her. :slight_smile:

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I was finally able to get the supplies I needed to cut some old jeans into squares.

I cut about 60 squares today. Whew… I also have some random scraps to collect and use later.


Did you tell us what you were making?

Today was not a good crafting day. I planned to go shopping at Hobby Lobby but instead had to rush Carly (furbaby) to an emergency vet hospital. I had just sat down with my tea, still in my robe, when I saw her acting really weird. It was obvious it was something neurological. I got dressed, wet down my bed head and hubby and I took her to the clinic. They diagnosed her with Ideopathic Vestibular Disease. That is a fancy name for we don’t know what caused this, it’s common in older dogs, there’s nothing we can do and here’s your bill. Fortunately, many dogs get better and she is better than she was when it happened. She’s still unsteady on her feet. We had recently noticed she seemed to have a hearing problem and I think it’s tied to this problem.

She was slipping on the tile floor when she was trying to eat so I tried to be helpful and put a mat under her feet. I lifted one leg but learned that wasn’t a good idea for an unsteady dog. Her other leg went into the water bowl and splashed water everywhere! Sophie got splashed and she looked at me like, “I don’t know what’s going on here. I’m leaving.”

So, give your pups and kitties some extra love. We never know when we will lose them.


Way cool!!! Look at you!

Well, on the 28th day of March I didn’t do anything crafty. I folded newsletters for mailing. Lol.

Today is our retreat, though, so I’ll be doing a lot of crafting for the next few days.

If I can get myself packed that is. :joy::joy::joy:


The smallest pieces I will keep collecting and turn into a Crumb quilt.
The denim squares…I am not sure. I will gladly take suggestions. I do have a few more denim things to cut up and add to the pile. I left my ironing board in the living room to motivate me to get all the cutting done in the next two days.


@hereami - how experienced of a quilter are you?

I’ve been saving my old jeans too and plan to make one of these:

I have also seen some cool rag quilts out of jeans.


On the 29th day of March - well, I still am not sewing, but I am cutting. Here are some pieces for a Quilt as You Go …. Something. Not sure if it will be a full quilt but……


I’ve been using up some crochet cotton I was given. Here’s a string bag, table centre and some coasters. Sorry about the pictures - my new camera is not good for indoor photography.


That is very nice.
And …thank you for the link.

I ended the Month of March meeting a couple of crafting goals.

I was able to cut up all of the jean material I have in the house. Ended up with about 180 squares. Then I moved on to accent fabric. With about 50 squares. Then…cleaned up my mess. (tools, supplies put away in the actual locations they belong…and vacuumed) This is an accomplishment…I really am an organized person at heart. And am looking forward to getting more things back in order this year.

Also completed a few rows of my spring fling blanket. I am just over half as wide as it needs to be.

I am happy overall with what crafting and organizing I was able to get done this month.

What about you all?? How did your March end up??


Saturday sad story

I started this 1/23/23. It is pattern #23 from Vogue knitting early fall 2015. I believe the yarn is my oldest stash. During Lent I have been trying to listen to a religious podcast and work one 8round rep every evening before bed.

I calculated the amount of yarn based on the labels I had. Apparently I have used some of the yarn for something and forgot, because I ran out of yarn Thursday. No way can I continue the sleeves even if I found a similar yarn the transition would show horribly.

I might still make the sweater. But this yarn will only be suitable for a wrap or shawl. Definitely not sweater quantity