January 2021 Chatter

I like both projects, but that mandala…:heart:!

Both are very pretty! What are you going to do with the mandala?

I was thinking maybe placing a bowl of flowers on it or something but it’s too pretty to cover up! Your hubby might be into something!

Good news today! Hubby was in for time off this week for the first time since he got back to work and he passed his DOT physical with flying colors and then went to the surgeon about his hip and was told he is fully healed and released from care!

Awesome news!!

Beautiful cards! I enjoy making cards as well. But mine aren’t that nice. :slight_smile:

Can I give a big non-fiber squee here? I signed a new book contract this week. The best part is that it’s with four authors who I really love - both in person and their books! We’ll have four historical romance novellas in one book. From Maine to Idaho, we’re writing about the lumberjacks and their ladies. I’m pretty excited!


Awesome!! Something to look forward to.

Edited to show them up at the church. Of course - AFTER - I got home and looked at the photo, I noticed that the curtain in the middle needed straightening up. sigh

And more non-fiber - but crafty! - stuff. I spent the day painting new banners for our church. These are about 5.5 feet tall by 4 feet wide. You can see my cedar chest in the photo for size comparison. I’ve been wanting to do a winter-ish pair for a couple of years. Today was the day! I started at 8:30 this morning and finished at 7:00 tonight. It’s a BIG job! But worth it.



I did not finish anything, but I did some project counting. Since Jan. 1, I have frogged 4 projects…and started 8.

Congratulations! That is really exciting!!

Beautiful work @Pegg Thomas

The only things I finished this week was a couple of potholders and a dog sweater.


A very cute dog sweater!

Someone looks very warm and contented. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! That’s awesome.

@Pegg Thomas - Have you ever gone to splitcoaststampers.com? It is a cardmaking website with a great gallery. Their search function is great and you can look for specific ideas. I love getting inspiration there. Pinterest is also good for inspiration.

My cards have improved a lot from the first ones I made. Besides online inspiration, I was in a cardmaking group for awhile. That was really fun and we made a lot of great cards. I also love making gift tags.

Great news! You deserved some good news.


Wonderful! I’m sure your family is celebrating this great news.