I guess we lost the thread form the "other" site.

Nice! Pretty color, too.

Look what I got from the marketplace! I think it’s great that yarn is available there in addition to patterns. This is 100% royal baby alpaca from Rolling E Ranch.


This is stunning, do you have a project in mind?

No project in mind, just a little stash enhancement :wink:

My first araucania yarn. Ebay find for 27 dollars plus shipping. It is very nice.


Very pretty!

I am a HUGE fan of the Araucania yarn line, nad that is a personal favorite color way - I think I have some in every weight and blend and If I don’t it is because is already in one project or another.
Which yarn is that (sorry photo too small for me to see the label)

@wheat I tried to replace the pic. It is Color 350 Pink Purple .
But wait to see what else I have coming!:o

Yes, I know the colour “well” was curious which of the yarns in the araucania brand it was
but not to worry - it will be wonderful no matter.

@wheat It is Ranco! Wasn’t thinking!!!:slight_smile:

YES, I do miss that yarn - it is no longer in the current line up (well maybe I don’t exactly miss it since there are the equivalent of several bags around here for scarf making.


My stash - well - for you it’s probably hard to imagine the size of my stash - I have yarn in the attic, a large hobby room, and even on the yard in heavy plastic sacks covered with tarps… the hobby room I have rented for various crafts as I have more machines than fit into our home - knitting, sewing, needle-felting and even a table loom - my husband must really love me to put up with my craziness :slight_smile:

Love that! Do you have a link? It would go very nicely with the coffe mug hubby got me a few years ago from KnitPicks that says “just one more row”. :hugs::innocent: