February 2020 Sock Knitting Chatter ?

It’s a beautiful pink!

I started these on Sunday and they are knitting up pretty quickly, an inch or so more and I’ll be ready to do the heels. The yarn is loops and threads in dark red. The pic looks a little orange to me but the yarn is really deep red. The pattern for the hearts came from a sock recipe I found on “r” a year or so ago and the rest is just my own preferred style.

2020-02-05 13.55.28.jpg

Very patriotic! What yarn do you typically use? Some reds are such bleeders. I like Opal for colorwork. It never bleeds. I used Opal for some red socks with white snowmen, orange noses and black hats and no bleeding. I used a red Cascade with white for a snowflake design and my snowflakes are now pink. Cascade told me it is normal for their superwash to bleed. Opal is superwash too and it doesn’t bleed so I never use Cascade anymore.

Very nice - and fitting for this month! :slight_smile:

I mentioned my pairfect socks in the other thread but couldn’t figure how to post a picture in the comments, so here are pictures of my two pair I used with this yarn


February will be a socks month.
My first pair of socks


And here’s a simple baby socks


Last week I decided to use some remnants of sock yarn. At the moment I have two pair of baby socks on the needles. And many more to come. :rolleyes:
Most of yarn in the box is Drops Fabel.



Those will make some beautiful scrappy socks!

Great use of leftovers!

Wow! They are beautiful!

These are stunning!

These are so sweet.

Have fun designing! You’ve got many great choices.

Finally finished the socks I started at Christmas for my hubby. Now I can get on with my February socks! I will say I’m thrilled that they fit his feet so well. The last pair were just a bit too big despite using his foot template. I think the secret is to start the heel just a bit before I get to the “ankle hinge line” (per the sox therapist).


They look nice and warm! Congrats on finishing. :slight_smile:

So pretty!

Love the pink!

That is a very impressive first pair of socks I would say! Lots going on there and you aced it! Beautifully done and congratulations!

Those are beautiful, classic tweedy socks - and that’s great about the fit - like icing on the cake after all that knitting.