February 2020 Sock Knitting Chatter ?

This has a very interesting effect! I can’t wait to see how it comes out

I looked up mosaic sock patterns on Pinterest and this really caught my eye. The yarn that I dyed red (that was supposed to be pink!) has colored bumps in it. For the white, I’m going to use the same yarn undyed so the bump color will show up more. Not sure if it will be interesting or ugly!

Hey guys - I believe we will be easier to find if we hold activities here in the forums, so I moved it. :-). I did leave a redirect in the Sock Knitters United group so folks know where to find us, but I feel like more people equals more fun. :slight_smile:

I’m trying to decide how “wild” I can go with the cascade socks. Probably not very. I think I’ll go with a striped yarn, and definitely my own short row heel. I’m ready to knit some socks. Maybe I should be focusing on finishing my other pair that I just passed the heels on. I’ll finish those tomorrow. I just started a temperature blanket for my son, so I’m going to work on that this evening.

Yarn selected and wound. :ballot_box_with_check:

Needles ready. :ballot_box_with_check:

Cascade Heritage Golden Socks pattern in Knit Companion. :ballot_box_with_check:

Excited to begin tomorrow :fk:



Very pretty yarn!!!

Yes, it called to me when I was looking for appropriate colors

I see four needles. Are you doing two at a time but on separate needles?

Yes, two socks on two circs --opos, I mean 2 socks on 4 circs- thanks, @Char!

@knitter131 - two socks on four circs!!! :wink:

I started my Box and Wave mosaic but I don’t like how it looks. I like the pattern but I think the two colors with the colored “Neps” looks messy or something. You just don’t get that clear color definition.


I do like the yarn… I wonder how it would look with the cascade pattern, and maybe this pattern is with two solids, no rainbow neps?

I looked at the Cascade pattern but my problem is I need to use two colors because I wasn’t thinking when I dyed the red one that I should have dyed more than one skein. This is a dk weight and one skein isn’t enough for my long feet unless I make short legs and I don’t like short legs. I could never get the same red again (since I was aiming for pink!) so dyeing extra isn’t an option. I frogged what I had done back to the cuff. I’m trying 3 red stripes, 1 white stripe to see how that looks.

@lovestostitch how did that work?

@Char - I think it looks better with this simple striping.


It looks great! I like the neps here. :slight_smile:

I love how this is turning out.

I like that pattern, and think I’ll have to try that in the future !

@Rose the Rebel - It’s an easy pattern and I think it would work out really nicely with two solid colors. I gave up on it with my “Neps” yarn but I’m going to try it in the future with two solids.

I started my pair of (oh my gosh is it) pink socks a couple days ago using the heritage pattern. It is going well!
