Designers Who Sell Their Patterns from Their Own Websites
The Crazy Sock Lady sells her patterns on etsy.

I am a designer and I sell my patterns from my own website, Cheryl Beckerich Knits, and from Lovecrafts. I have a buy one get one free pattern sale going on now until July 31. Use the coupon code Freedom

I so have to knit the Owl Mitts for my daughter :slight_smile:

For the crocheter. These are fun.

I have links to my free patterns on my website ( and I’m trying to figure out where to post the patterns I have for sale. I’ve listed 2 on my site right now, but I don’t know if that particular delivery method is going to work well…no one has tried to purchase one from the site yet. We’ll see! :slight_smile:

I also wanted to add to this discussion that some yarn companies have patterns on their site from well known designers. Quince and co. Has an Ann Budd pattern toe up multiple gauges. I have also contacted designers directly and asked where else do they sell their patterns and they have sent me to different sites that I was unaware of ( I also look at and investigate pattern at brick and mortar/online stores. Think Webs and check out their pattern area. I also ask yarn stores if they can but from another source than R. Most can not, be kind because LYS, designers, dyers, editors all got caught up in this mess with no forewarning. We can find alternative ways to support our favorites, we just have to do more web work.


LilyGo has her own Etsy Store on which she sells her beautiful patterns.

So glad to hear that. I’ve long admired LilyGo’s work.

I believe Susan Anderson and Ambah O’Brien stated on Instagram that they support R.

All these links are so helpful.

In case it’s not already here, just found this one:

She had something I’ve been looking for. Bonus was that I was able to buy it direct from her (very nice) website.

She’s got some beautiful patterns! I may have to make the Paravel Hat.

This has been a great introduction to lots of designers I wasn’t familiar with. Thanks, everyone who posted links!

Yes. Like you, I’ve met a lot of new-to-me designers from the posts on this thread. Which just goes to show that everybody knows better than somebody :wink:

It also turns pattern search around by going straight to the “more designs by so-and-so” instead of “more long-sleeve cardigans” etc. Makes for some great window-shopping! Thank you, all participants in this thread!

Has anyone thought to contact these designers and tell them that there is a substantial knitting & crocheting community here at OU that would be interested in their patterns.

Apart from Kim Hargreaves. She doesn’t sell individual patterns, only collections. Some time ago I asked her about releasing patterns on R but she said that they have no intention to do that in foreseeable future.

@erica2162 Such cute designs!

I am a fan of of Louisa Harding as well, you may find this link useful to see more of what she has to offer

There is also Heidi May with the Velvet Acorn. I’ve done soo many of her patterns. They are beautiful and fun to knit.

Thank you. Those are beautiful.