December 2020 Sock KAL - Finished Posts

@qfknit I believe you’re seeing the two socks overlapping and then coming away from each other a bit at the cuff.

@KnitsWithHorses - oh my goodness, yes, that is it, thank you! The stripes are SO PERFECTLY MATCHED, I thought I was seeing one sock… with a button hole or eyelet for a decoration to be added.

These are fabulous! The stripes are perfectly matched which is quite a feat. (Pun intended :wink: )

@FreedomLover - An incredible feat of de feet, not defeat! :wink:


Thank you, all. Yes, they were made from a double-stranded sock blank that I hand dyed, so matching is a piece of cake!

I had just enough of the blue/gray/lilac yarn left to knit this pair with the contrasting navy heels and toes, oh, and three thin stripes in the cuff. Thanks for the encouragement, ladies!



The colors look great together.

Wow - that Navy made them pop nicely

What a great idea! I have been thinking of getting one of those little cheap looms to make sock blanks on and now I want to try this! I’m a total newbie at dying though so we’ll see how that goes. Lol

These are beautiful and that was quick!

@KnitsWithHorses - we did very little Christmas decorating this year… LOL, we can turn on Hallmark movies and see abundant decor!

Those are so pretty. Beautiful.

Thanks, ladies!

Thanks, ladies!

That was fast! And they look great with the navy contrast!

I have been neglecting my socks this month! I don’t know if I’ll finish the second sock by Friday or not but here’s the first one. The white yarn has a sparkly thread but I can’t get it to photograph. But we’ll see if I even get them done before I worry about it.


Very pretty!

Finished through the heels, I may finish them in time, but doubtful.



Oh I like the colors in this yarn!