August 2021 Sock KAL - Finished Posts Only - NO CHAT Posts

These are very pretty. love purple and green together.

@Spice2s They’re even prettier in person, I promise! The colors are kind of washed out in the picture. I wouldn’t have thought to put the two together, but I let my dil choose what she wanted and she chose this pretty lightly variegated violet and seafoam green and they are absolutely gorgeous together. :purple_heart::green_heart:

I agree, the colors are gorgeous together! And I’m not even a huge purple fan. And the design is really cute, too. Great job!!

These are really beautiful!

Thank you, @FreedomLover and @PurlgirlButtons :blush::blush:

And my finished ugly socks :neutral_face::neutral_face:. I just don’t like these colors together.


I think they look nice :slight_smile: Not “pretty” … but I wouldn’t say they were “ugly” either.

Natalie, these are a beautiful blue :blush:

That is a very pretty bag that I was lucky enough to win. :grin: I use it a lot for my sock or hat projects.

Thank you @knitter131 that was a yarn from my subscription club. You should have seen Harmoni’s eyes light up when I pulled it out of the bag. She said, “Looks like I’m getting some new socks!” :laughing:

I think they look fun!

I know a lot of people like blue and orange together but I’m not one of them.

Oh, these are really cute, is it leftovers or a single ball of yarn? Either way, I really like the colors :blush:

A beautiful blue, and they look very pretty :blush:

Thank you @knitter131 . :blush:

Ugly Duckling sock #1 is finished, and I love it! Now for the frantic mad dash to get sock #2 finished before tomorrow ends! :scream:

Can I say too cute?

This turned out beautifully, good luck with the second one.

@DJM You can, it is really cute and much cuter in person! The horrible yarn looks gorgeous with the solid brown.

@FreedomLover Thanks! I’m going to have to take them outside tomorrow to get a better picture because none of the ones I took do them justice.