August 2021 Chatter

That is adorable. So many possibilities.
Believe it or not I have a child who is terrified of gnomes, or anything that looks like one. (except for the movie Gnomeo and Juliet)
Wonder if the adult child will be terrified of this? I hope not, it would be adorable on the front porch this year.

Will it be here in the monthly Chatter or in a separate area?

@hereami I’m thinking the monthly - hopefully easy to find, and we gather here regardless of the craft. :slight_smile:

Another gnome idea…


Too cute!

Imagined Landscapes has a good variety of Gnome-y stuff. Most of her patterns cost 7.00 CAD ($5.84 US) and a couple cost 9.00 CAD and she has a mitten pattern that is for free called Go Big or Go Gnome. It’s a color-work pattern of gnomes. You can click on her name above & it should take you right to all the Gnome patterns she has. Just in case anyone is looking for variety.

I am thinking I’ll make this quilt:

You Gnome I Love You

I just have to decide what fabric to use. MSQC did a tutorial you can find here:

MSQC tutorial

Oh my goodness! That will be so cute!!!

Thanks for the link. I think her patterns are giving me some ideas. Now I need to find some crochet patterns.


These are fabulous!

Your work is always so inspiring.

Wow! This is stunning.

This is what I thought of when I first saw gnomes mentioned.

@FreedomLover - yay!!! We can work “together” on it. :fk:

Some cute crochet gnome patterns here:

@TexasPurl Thank you!
@Char Thank you! This is the second year that I make soft toys in August. I use Llama-no-drama by Nancy Anderson
@happyfox74 Thank you! All yarn are synthetic (probably nylon) and hard for skin, so going to make home accessories, like dining mats, shopping bags or even crochet rug.
@hereami Thank you! Yes, I use this pattern. Strangely, I enjoy making loops, although it’s takes approximately 30 min to complete 1 row of loops. Thankfully, you do not need to do it every row, just 1 in 3.
@KnitsWithHorses Thank you!
@Hellokitten Thank you!
@DJM Thank you!
@FreedomLover Thank you!

I’m in

Yes, He’s about 3" tall without the hat.

@hereami - Maybe helping you make an evergreen gnome would change his/her opinion of gnomes!