August 2020 Sock KAL - Finished Objects Only - No Chatter Please

Yay! Where’s the fireworks button? I’ll make one: =*=

Very nice!

Those are great

Thank you :slight_smile:

Finished Ryley’s Garden. Knee socks always seem like they take forever. I think I’ll stick to shorties and crew socks for a while. Lol I had a heck of a time getting a decent photo too. Really not up to going outside for good light today.


And one for theme


The socks are cool…

But that kitten takes the cake! :slight_smile:

One more for color of the month.


Beautiful socks, and the color is wonderful!

Woot! They are beauties!

Yes to all that BUT, they are very fun and I already know she’s going to love them! I do.


Haha - it looks like she is trying to eat them. Feed that kitten! :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

These are fabulous! I need to get into sock knitting mode again.

How fun that she’ll wear them on her first day of school! She can brag to all her friends that she dyed the yarn herself.

What a cutie! He ALMOST upstages the beautiful socks.

@FreedomLover - me too. I really should be working on socks and saving heavy blankets for the winter. :slight_smile:

Fantastic , love the colors , they speak to me

Thank you :slight_smile:

I have another hank if this and I think I will make a matching shawl.