August 2020 Chatter

@TexasPurl Thank you. @FreedomLover It’s my first attempt at a dishcloth. I don’t have enough yarn for a scarf.

Looking good!

I was so depressed about this shutdown in the spring that my knitting literally sat on the coffee table for two months and I never moved it or even blew the dust off it.

The only other time I have lost my will to knit was when I finished all of my projects and couldn’t get anything new started that didn’t have problems. From that I came to realize why most of us have more than one WIP going - backup insurance! So the moral is don’t ever finish every last project.

I’ve experienced that, trying to get something started and not making traction for a number of reasons. I like your idea of always having something that’s not finished. Unfortunately I have several right now and am jumping in to another KAL. Oh well.

Looks great!

@Char I’m not sure what happened but I no longer have the same buttons for uploading a photo. And no option to choose small medium or large. Just happened today…

Finally knitting again. I started this cardigan last summer. It’s Celtic Grace by Cheryl Beckerich.
The back is done. Left front in progress.



I noticed it is easier for me not sure what’s different but I had a terrible time posting pictures in the past.

I love the cables!

Oh my, that’s going to be gorgeous!

My WiP for the week is this shawl/wrap that is a gift for a friend who recently suffered a loss. My heart is still heavy for her and since I am on a little va-cay, I am enjoying the fresh air outdoors as I work away on this. It is approx 20" wide and will be about 70" long, possibly with fringe on the ends.


It’s beautiful, I’m sure she will love it :heart:

That is lovely. You are a good friend.

Well, the ironing and folding is finished. I
am now working on putting matching scraps together to see if I can make a matched pair for masks, checking them against my templates, maximizing what size I can make.

It has become rather comical today…

Hotdogs and chips anyone?

maybe Margaritaville is more your style?

Laughing is good for the soul.



@KnitsWithHorses - I tagged you in a post that I think will help. If this doesn’t work tag me again please. :slight_smile:

I like the texture and the color. I’m sure she will love it!! Enjoy your va-cay.


Too cute!

@KnitsWithHorses - my #1 tip for you is to not grow them in the summer. Oklahoma is probably too hot in the summer. You should try to grow them in the spring or fall. Biggest problem with that is you probably would have to start them yourself from seed as growers probably don’t grow a lot for retail for spring and fall. I start all mine from seed as I like to try interesting varieties. I start mine at the beginning of March, plant in the garden in late May, and start harvesting in July. You would have to figure out what your season would be.

Oh dear! I asked DH to go to the grocery and pick up some fresh avacado & pico for taco salad tonight. He came back with this pretty little bouquet! I thanked him & went to put them in a vase. He just stood there like I was supposed to say something…

It’s our anniversary! I completely forgot! I do love that man. He ignores all my faults.
