April 2020 - Sock KAL Chatter

The socks look great and I love the pattern.

@lovestostitch Thank you!

My next pair of socks will be from this yarn, Regia is one of my favorites. I will get them started later today. I’m still looking for a pattern. But they will be toe up and FLK heel for sure. Thinking they look a little patriotic​​, and hopefully enough BLUE!


@Char - I’m getting ready to wind some yarn for socks. Can I get advance notice of what May’s color will be?

Clown Barf! :slight_smile: it will be wild and crazy sock month. No specific pattern, just craziness.

Of course you can always knit whatever color and socks you want. :slight_smile:

Ooh I love the colours .

I started another pair of short cuts. This pattern is “A Cup of Tea” and the yarn is Hikoo CoBaSi.


I started another pair today. This is one of a matching set for my Daughter and Son-in-Law in New Zealand. Their favorite is a plain 2x2 rib. As we come into Spring, they are coming into Autumn, and cooler weather. They are very knit-worthy :fk:


I’m getting ready for May. I have these pretty mini skeins that Kathy7661 included with my prize. I have enough for some short cut socks. The question is - how should I use them? I have 19 gms of the multi, 18 gms of green and 8 of blue. Any ideas? Anyone know the breakdown of how many grams it takes typically to do a cuff, heel flap and toes? Not a total number but a breakdown of the three parts.


Have you ever done a helix style sock?

I really love those colors!

I’ve never done Helix knitting but I just went and looked it up. It sounds fun to try but I think I would need more equal amounts of the colors. I’m guessing 8 grams of the blue would be a problem.

Cuffs, heels and toes in the blue (or whatever you can), helix the other two?

I don’t think 8 grams is enough for cuff, heels and toes. I have 13 gms in my head but I don’t know if that’s per sock or pair. Either way I don’t have enough.

Stripes somewhere? That’s what I do with hats.

I just started this pair of socks tonight. Toe up with Fish Lips Kiss heels and a simple 3x2 lacy rib. Summer shorties :sunglasses:


Sock making machine!!!

I hoping to get four pair finished this month. This is #3.

These look great, I’ve never tried that heel before, it needs to go on my list.

Thanks, @FreedomLover - it’s my favorite short row heel.

I’m using the Sweet Tomato Heel on socks now and prefer it to a heel flap and gusset.