#5 - Tunisian Reverse Stitch - TRS

This square is really tiny but I’m calling it done.



Well done!! I love the colorway.

Nice work!

Nice work.

I am impressed you had time and energy to complete anything lately…didn’t you just trim a whole grove of trees…lol. Well, a large amount of trees on your property?
My arms and hands would have needed a break.
Nice work…I like the color.

Nicely done! Pretty yarn.

I meant my other left to right! :joy:

I’ll correct that typo. Apologies!

Thank you @DJM @Kathy7661 @KnitsWithHorses and @TexasPurl :blush::blush:

This is really pretty, loving the color :blush:

Thanks y’all. :hugs:

Thanks y’all. :revolving_hearts:

Thanks y’all. :hugs:

@hereami This yarn is Knit Picks Spectacular Speckles 75/25 fingering weight. Unfortunately, it’s no longer available :cry: They do however have a Horthorne speckle hand painted yarn 80/20 fingering weight available which is what’s pictured in my last square. I purchased it to go with the peach I had.

Thank you all for the nice comments! :two_hearts:

It looks great - big or small, doesn’t matter :slightly_smiling_face: