#5 - Tunisian Reverse Stitch - TRS

@TexasPurl - I wholeheartedly agree! Who knew!

Well - YOU knew! :slight_smile:

Nice stitches and it’s true, the variegated yarn really shows up in different way.

Nice work. It looks great with that yarn!

Feels good to be caught up. Here is my block for this week as well as a picture of all the blocks so far. (none are blocked and none are perfect)
I enjoyed learning to work in the back of my work. I had never done that before.
If I get the time I will try the heart pattern listed above.



Well look at you go!! Great job!!

Great work!

Oh my! You’ve done a great job on this one and on catching up. You’ve motivated me to get on the stick and get back on track! ~ As soon as I finish this one little project…

They look so nice all laid out together!

You guys are so nice. Thank you.

Very nice! I like how you’ve labeled each block…I’m beginning to forget which is which!

Here’s my finished TRS


I really like this one, nicely done. Are you going to make another in the solid color? Your blanket is going to be nice sized.

Beautiful stitch work. I love the speckled yarn.

So pretty! :slight_smile:

I really like your yarn colors and your stitch work is beautiful. I feel like crochet is a long lost friend and it’s coming back to me but still pretty rusty.

It looks great. Very nice!

@Kathy7661 I was forgetting what the stitch was called as soon as I got to block 2. I am also piecing together a little personal binder with some of the information we are being given. (Basic directions, the 3 letters the stitch is called, and the chart sign. Plus some information about the square I personally worked out.) If I didn’t do this I wouldn’t remember how to do anything. And in this crazy year…I want to be prepared in case my internet or power supply goes down. (knock on wood)(…or what ever superstition you have to ward off the thing I just talked about.)

Can you tell us again about the yarn you are using?
I am in the ‘I love that yarn’ group.

@hereami Very organized and very smart!

@pinesprairie I’m not sure how big my blanket will get, the squares are only 6”. I think once this yarn is used up I may switch to some Knit Picks Dishie I have and make washcloths…I can always use more.