#3 - Tunisian Knit Stitch - TKS

Very nice!

Yes, I really like the two colors.

Looks great!!

great work.
Did you carry the non working yarn across with the working color? Or just leave it on the end and picked it up later?
I have been a bit distracted and haven’t started on my block this week. Hope to work on it soon.

@hereami I just carried it up the side. I changed colors at the beginning where you just have one stuck on the needle. I actually used the new color to close the last stitch of the previous row. I also toyed around with changing colors at the other end but that’s a whole different effect.

Something iffy happened in the middle there but oh well! Loved this week super meditative to work on!


Looks great!

It looks good and I like your description, it is a very calming motion.

Well done!!

Very nice!

Thank you all. Excited to move on to the next weeks

Nicely done!

a bit late. I did finish this on time…just delay in posting.
Although I love working the stitch, I couldn’t manage to get it to be exactly the same size as the others. I am leaving this for now. I have a feeling I will have a similar problem with other stitch squares.

My yarn is white, the block lays flat. The smokey air is causing the light coming thru the blinds to be orange-ish and is giving the illusion of multiple colors and of a ripple effect to my work.
On to block 4.

Btw…I loved seeing everyone’s work. And thank you for the pattern ideas. :fk:

:oReason for Edit… I attached the wrong photo. This is the correct photo. Sorry everyone. :o


We this group you will never be late. I also love seeing everyone’s work and especially the color choices. Well done with your square.

I have the same challenge whenever I attempt crochet squares. I will see how it goes when I attempt my first Tunisian square soon.

Looks great, and the yarn is perfect for these squares :blush:

Thanks everyone! :blush:

:musical_note:Love is in the air Everything I see right there, love is in the air​:musical_note:

Do de do de do de do… cuz I can’t sing, I’ll do de dooooo

Yours looks so nice - and I like the idea of making strips rather than squares :blush: