2023 Spin de Fleece

Not making a ton of progress, but I did get my yarn balled up and a swatch made.
To catch up my totals:
Day 5: 100 min 25 grams
Day 6: 195 min 41 grams
Day 7: 205 min 19 grams 408 yards plied and finished
Week 1 Totals
17 hours 42 min, 224 grams spun singles, 408 yds/120 grams finished

Day 8
3.5 hours.

Finished these singles today.

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I have created a spreadsheet that you can see your totals posted so far…

See the spreadsheet here.

I have comment only and cannot add my totals.

To catch up, I spun 30 min on the 6th 7th and 8th. Finished another bobbin yesterday and will start the final one today.

Day 9

3.5 hrs

Day 9 started the last of the 5 Dickens spins singles. 30 min

Rest day july 10th… 1 hr spinning.

80 minutes spinning today July 11th.

One bobbin of singles done.

I finished Spin #2 of my WOTA Mix Combo Spin.

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Today I finally got around to making the Spin de Fleece buttons that I had printed up. I was lazy this year and used the Tour De Fleece logo background

July 12th
… 80 minutes

July 13th - no spinning this day.

July 14th - 3 1/2 hours

July 15th. 90 minutes

July 16th. 90 minutes

Singles done on this one. Tomorrow we ply.

Not posting often, but I finished the singles of my Inglenook Fibers Dickens. Now to make a 2 ply out of it.



July 17, 2023

90 minutes…

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July 18th

no spinning today … I didn’t even watch much Tour de France - just a couple of minutes and then looked at the results in the app …

A few pics of finished yarns. My three week totals are:
Minutes: 2,823
Yards: 1603
Grams singles: 1,012
I will probably do two more days and call it done. I want to finish the other half of the pink/blue Merino sock base I started on Day 1!

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SdF '23 Final Totals and Goals Met (compared to last year)
Time: 50 hr, 39 min (+5 hr from last year)
Yards: 2057 (+454 yd from last year)
Singles Yds: (+840 from last year)
Gm Spun: 1058 (+307 from last year)
Goals: Spin minimum 30 min each day: shortest day was 35 min, no rest days
Spin the combos : spun all 5
Spin the birthday fiber: yes and knitted shawl almost completed
Spin Pink/Blue Merino/nylon sock base: yes, washed and dried, 464 yds lt. fingering
I think I will be taking a little break from spinning to get some knitting done!