What are you knitting?

Well, things have changed, “things” being my mind…the more I worked on the shawl, the less I liked the darker yarn so this morning, it took it out back to where the pattern begins. Yes, it was a lot to take out but I must admit I feel much better about it.

I’ve learned a big lesson, don’t buy yarn sight unseen!!

It’s the Celtic myths shawl.


So pretty! I love the cables along the border.

It’s a beautiful pattern and those fall colors are some of my favorites. It’s going to be perfect.

[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“http://fiberkind.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​ Top-down textured pullover sweater. Vogue Knitting Fall 2016 #18. Decided to name it after Rock Island state park, where I got this mug. Yarn is from Spin in Sturgeon Bay, when it was closing in 2017.

I have been trying to knit a cardigan that I saw on this page and it is really easy, even I ordered mine, it will arrive tomorrow and I am very excited, I am allergic to most fabrics and alpaca wool is really good for me, I recommend it.

Looks like a very nice knit! In Alpaca it will be very warm.

Wow, it looks like a lot of work! The colors are beautiful :blush:

Thank you​:grin: The yarn is Premier Serenity Sock in the color dark water. I really like the softness and it’s way more economical than the suggested yarn for the sweater. It seems like it will take forever to finish but I hope to have it done in time for spring :tulip:

Wow, this is beautiful, and I love your choice of yarn :blush::blush: