Tips for beginning weavers

Two new YouTube videos by Poff Studios are worth a watch for rigid heddle weavers seeking ways to improve their weaving:

Thank you!!!

Thank you for sharing these.

I have used this method for several years very successfully. The only way I warp now.

Thanks! Looking forward to watching these!

Found this article with simple math to be helpful. (I’m all about simple math!) A good quick way to guess if you have enough yarn for a scarf.

Thanks for that link.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Wow - this definitely helps!!! :slight_smile:

I know, right? I’m going to bookmark it

Such a great concise article - thank you!

Another enabling tool–posting it here for my own reference.…FgwIzNvOUdNqow

This is great!!

This looks like fun.

There are a lot of ideas already on the site as well–lots of inspiration!

Hi everyone, I am thinking about getting a RH loom and have some questions.

  1. I think I want two heddles but Why? What can I do with the second one?
  2. I am willing to spend the money to get a good setup. I want good quality and something that will be good for the long term, not something I will want to upgrade soon. Brand/model Recommendations? And How wide? Anything to avoid?
  3. What accessories should I get right away? Again I don’t mind spending a little more money up front to have an enjoyable experience and not have to stop in the middle of a project and order things.

Good evening!!! You have certainly picked an awesome time to dive into weaving - several of us have started learning over the last few months.

I purchased a 24” Ashford loom and I gave four heddles - 2 x 7.5 dent, a 10 dent and a 12.5 dent. I have used the double 7.5 heddles in one of my weaves but not necessarily to do anything fancy yet. I would love to do a twill soon. :slight_smile:

The different sizes are for different thicknesses. The 7.5 (or 8) is for worsted weight yarn. I can’t decide if I prefer a 10 or 12.5 for my fingering weight.

Since my first loom, I also have purchased a 32” with the goal of weaving baby blankets (though you can also get double with with double heddles). And a 16” kromski - I like the smaller one for traveling and such.

I definitely prefer the Ashford to the kromski but both are good.

PS - generally the looms are all the same price (set by the manufacturer). If you decide to get one, you might try The Woolery and Paradise Fibers. I have seen percent offs at both sites (the Woolery after you browse for a bit), and both are affiliates. I would greatly appreciate your clicking through FiberKind for your purchase:

Look at Ashford, Kromski, Schacht (there are others, but these are very common). All have similar products and accessories. Ashford is the only one I know of that has the 15-dent heddle. When you said you thought you wanted more than one heddle, did you mean more than one size, or more than one of the same size? The sizes are given in dents (slots and holes) per inch, which is like gauge in knitting, so most people end up getting several sizes. You can also two of the same size and weave with twice as many warp threads or “ends” per inch in the final cloth, which gives a finer texture. But you don’t need to start with more than one. It kind of depends on what size yarn you want to weave with. The way to get in the ballpark is to do a non-crowded wraps per inch of your warp yarn, and then divide that by two, and that would be the approximate size heddle needed for the fabric to have the right amount of drape (not too open, not too stiff). You can see why it quickly leads to getting more than one size.

Welcome to Enablers ‘R’ Us! I just got an Ashford 24" loom a few months ago and I love it. What do you want to weave? I love using things in my home that I have made so having dishcloths, placemats, dinner napkins, etc. are perfect on this size loom. I also love ponchos so this fall I’ll be making those as well and of course it is perfect for scarves. I haven’t done any two heddle weaving yet so I can’t speak to that. I bought from the Woolery and have made purchases through them again and been very pleased with their service. Some things aren’t shipping quickly right now but I’m sure that’s true everywhere. My loom came with two stick shuttles and I have since purchased two more so I can weave with more than two colors without having to wind a shuttle with each color change. If you have the budget for boat shuttles they are gorgeous, that’s a down the road thing for me.