Spin De Fleece --- Jul 1 – 24, 2022

I don’t really have a plan for them, perhaps some small gifts. I just need practice spinning, so it’s all good! (I also ordered more WOTA fiber to dye for my birthday gift to myself! In my defense, it was on sale!

So is anyone up for a little bit of spinning together tomorrow night? Say 7-10ish EST. I thought those who might not be around during the day might be able to participate. Let’s give the Discord a shot. If it doesn’t behave, I can set up a meeting on Zoom.
I will probably also be doing some Virtual spinning (streaming) on Saturday, but not able to set a specific time yet.

I might join for a bit, I think Steve and I are watching a movie Fri night.

Love that top!

I’m watching TDF live right now … while I do some work and prepare to spin …

what are you’all doing?

Oh …and here’s another 30 bingo cards to choose from … :slight_smile:

Spin_de_Fleece_2022_Bingo- ver 2.pdf (234 KB)

Stupid newbie question: what is TDF?

I’m behind - as per usual - but I got some wool washed and dyed today. I had some natural gray Gotland and white Gotland/East Friesian cross that a friend sent to me. I’ve never spun Gotland, so it’ll be my new fiber. I dyed the white in Pumpkin Orange and Lilac. I dyed the natural gray in Navy, Scarlet, and a mossy green I mix from Sapphire, Gold Ochre, and Brown - all dyes Jacquard. I’ll post a photo tomorrow after I get it all spun out and on the drying rack.







le Tour de France–the actual bike races

@PurlgirlButtons … well … DUH!

Here is my day 1 spin from earlier today.


My Day 1 Spin: Polwarth from Greenwood Fiberarts. I think it looks beachy.


It looks shiny and silky

I added to this bobbin today, but I’d already started spinning these batts. They are from a Rambouillet/Polypal cross lamb. The colors are mossy green, eggplant, and gold. I’m spinning it stupid fine, so it’ll probably take me all month to spin the 8 oz.

Spin de Fleece 07-01-22.jpg

No pictures but I did spin for 60 min tonight. Fun talking to everyone.



Did my 30 min today while supervising Rosie the Roomba.

I am on my 2 nd single of my 4oz braid. I mentioned this on Discord. I figured out a way to keep my wheel from sliding across the floor, a rubber- bottomed bath mat!


Finished my first skein, and started more singles today…



Not feeling well, so no spinning yesterday or today. I did manage to knit a few rows today, however.

Hope you feel better soon.