Spin De Fleece --- Jul 1 – 24, 2022

@Sommerfugl, I’d be interested, but I don’t really know what all is involved. I’ve been out of town and am just now seeing this.

@rkennell, I take my Majacraft Suzie when we go camping! Love to spin outside when it’s not too windy.

@rkennell, I’m in! I’m with @Sommerfugl and don’t plan to purchase any new fibers either. Hubby says if the south side of the house were to collapse, my wool bins would support it. I may have a little more fiber than a need at the moment. :wink: And since I just bought another antique wheel (I may need a 12-step program), I better not buy any more fiber. For now.

I would like to host a Spin de-Fleece 2022 Kick-Off on July 1. , wherever Fiberkind is at that point, whichever platform is most comfortable for you all. It’s a Friday and I will most likely be available, as it is my Birthday week and the long weekend of Independence Day! Saturday might be busier, but if more people will be available, we could try for that. We could do drop-in any time Friday, just the evening, or whatever works. It would be fun to see where everyone is spinning from…the deck, the garden, their craft room, campsite, the beach??? Who is up for it and what are your thoughts.

Friday might be good, would we combine this with our regular Friday Zoom, or would it be in addition to. Or even at the same time on the other platform!

I think that sounds good. I’m thinking Discord will be the easiest for everyone. No link needed. Are all of us spinners on Discord now? I like the “drop in whenever” option myself. That way, if you are available, just go into the room for however long you can.

only one week before we start!! Is anyone getting prepared? I’m trying to empty the wheel so I can start fresh.

Is there a list of guidelines somewhere? I signed up, but I honestly don’t know what the contest is.

Hi Pegg,
I’m sorry I haven’t been on top of this, this year. Because of my schedule, I am not able to set up any door prizes, however, I plan on having bingo cards available so that we each can challenge ourselves to get a “Bingo” and try a few new things ! It will be very relaxed, but I would love to see other’s spinning accomplishments this year ! I love seeing photos, and I will share as many photos as I can of what I get spun up as well. I will post the bingo cards as images, and then everyone can print them as they want. :slight_smile:

@PeggThomas, here at Fiberkind, our Spin de Fleece is more of a camaraderie thing. We aren’t super-competitive. If it doesn’t seem like we have enough interest for separate teams, we’ll just have one-Team Fiberkind. Last year we posted our individual time and/or yards finished in a daily or weekly thread. I think it would be best for each of us to also keep track on our own however you want whether it’s a spreadsheet or a piece of paper and then Share in a specific thread so we can see how we are all doing. A few people have promised to donate a prize, so when a winner is determined for the week or overall, the person donating the prize is responsible for mailing said prize to the winner.

@Spice2s, if you are too busy this year to tackle the tallying, do you want me to take on that aspect? I would use Google Spreadsheets.

Also, I’m still going to “host” a kick-off virtual spin this Friday. Which platform do you all want to use? I’m thinking Zoom since the Discord has been a little iffy when there is more than 3 people on in my experience. But Discord does have the advantage of just kind of dropping in, no invites, no fuss.
Would 7-10 p.m. ET accommodate enough people not on the East Coast? Perhaps Saturday we can do the drop-in on Discord. I’m going to use it during my spinning in case anyone wants to join.
@PeggThomas are you familiar with the Fiberkind Discord Server? We were experimenting with it as a lower-cost meeting place. I would have to dig up the invite if you need it or @Char can send it to you.

I hope this long and boring post helps you at any rate!
Allison (PGB)

@PurlgirlButtons I haven’t used Discord, so I’d need an invite.

Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 2830
05-22-2022, 06:44 PM
Here is a link that never expires


@PurlgirlButtons You are more than welcome to do the tallying … I’ll create a tracking thread for you, but I’ll let you run the tallying / door prize assignments :slight_smile: Thank you so much!

OK, not saying I’ll do a super-duper job, but I’ll give it my best.

Is everybody oiling up their wheels and getting their fiber lined up for Friday? Post pics of your fiber stash that you will be spinning up in the next few weeks

I have created a Bingo Thread Here.

If you want to do a Spin De Fleece Bingo, visit that thread and get your bingo card !

Where to begin??? As you can see, I like bright colors.



Okay, I printed out my card. (We just pick ONE - right?) Do we use the same card for the whole month?

Pegg, you can use one card, two cards, whatever you want ! It’s honor system and for fun. There are no bingo police here :slight_smile:

beautiful… you could totally do a long gradient with all of those … mmmm :slight_smile: