
FiberKind is happy to present SkeinLink! SkeinLink is a program written by one of our members - @HeatherAthebyne . If you happen to see her online, please give her a HUGE thank you for all of the time she is volunteering to make this happen.

SkeinLink has a yarn database, and has project pages. You can keep track of your own projects on SkeinLink as well as viewing other member’s projects. We all enjoy inspiration!

SkeinLink is still a WIP but we think you will enjoy getting involved and adding your projects.

Access to SkeinLink does require a sign up, so please PM me your email address if you would like to sign up. For those who have your passwords saved, it will want to autofill your FiberKind password since it is housed on our website and has a fiberkind web address. Please keep this in mind.

If you have any questions or comments on SkeinLink, I am starting a thread HERE .

Thank you, again, Heather. Your hard work is very much appreciated.

Merry Christmas! :slight_smile: :fk: