September 2020 Sock KAL - Finished Objects Only - No Chatter Please

Congratulations @KnitsWithHorses! You deserve a little treat I would say!

Congratulations @KnitsWithHorses! You deserve something to cheer you on.

@KnitsWithHorses It think the stars are aligned. Congratulations!


Pencil socks completed! Such a fun pattern. :blush:

Wow, they look great!

I am glad you liked it! :). Your socks look wonderful!

They look great! You can also make an entry for first sock completed and color. Since you did normal colors for a pencil, you don’t need to take an extra picture with a pencil - just post again for color.

@knitter131 @Char Thank you. :hugs:
@lovestostitch thanks I will. I was thinking I might have to go buy some pencils since all I have on hand are mechanical pencils that are red, white and blue or paisley. Lol

@FreedomLover Thank you! :grin: Char did a great job with the pattern. The ONLY thing I changed was making it kid sized.

These are awesome!

@KnitsWithHorses - paisley sounds good. Lots of colors that might be suitable for variegated yarn…

@knitter131 Thank you. :blush:

@lovestostitch Absolutely made sense! That’s a great description of exactly what I want in my every day socks. :grin:

I almost forgot to post these! I finished my Just Cuz socks and have cast on another pair of pencil socks, although they are not exactly traditional pencils. :wink:

I look forward to seeing what your non-traditional pencil socks look like! :slight_smile:

Bright and cheerful shorties, perfect for spring :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:

These are so pretty.

Just finished my “Back to School” socks. Yarn is a Knit Picks Felici. I always think of bright colors when I think of school. Especially those years in elementary school :blush::blush:


These are fabulous!