July 2023 Chatter

Perfect yarn!


Beading done; now for assembly. I have enough for a total of four stems.


Thanks! It is Chicken Lady Fiber Arts’ Serama Bamboo yarn (merino/bamboo/nylon) in the Sharks Hug With Their Mouths colorway, which she made specifically for the Shark Week Challenge. I am really excited to see if the bamboo makes them light enough for me to wear them in my desert home in more than just the couple of months it actually gets cool here. :crossed_fingers:t3:

I finished the first sock last night and I am excited to get the second one finished!


Well, most of my moving of my craft room is in the new room…. And about 2/3 needs to be sorted and organized. So - I’m working on that today. Really need motivation. It will be awesome when it is done, but until then I have quite the mess.

The other 1/3 of the room I do have a sewing space set up. Tempting!!!

My long armer finished my brother’s quilt. Now it just needs binding. The wedding is Aug 11th so I have plenty of time.

Yesterday at crafting day at town hall I did some Diamond painting. :slight_smile: that was a relaxing thing to bring.


The quilt is gorgeous!


My Shark Infested Waters socks are finished! The pattern is Shark Infested Waters by Nancy Degener and the yarn is Chicken Lady Fiber Arts Serama Bamboo in the Sharks Hug With Their Mouths colorway. I am so happy they turned out so well and I am thrilled that I didn’t get bitten by the shark!


Those are awesome!

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Love it so much!

I’ve never done this type of beading … .looks complicated !

I’ve only made small items - simple bracelet, stitch marker, etc.

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The beadwork itself is not terribly complicated. Most of the complexity is in the assembly, but otherwise you’re just making a bunch of small components.

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I’ve been a little absent recently because we just acquired two new baby family members! Meet Fitzwilliam (peaches and cream) and Georgiana (black) our new little 3 month old brother and sister kittens. If you are a “Janeite” you may recognize their names as those of Mr Darcy and his younger sister from Pride and Prejudice. We are calling them Fitz and Georgie and they are absolutely adorable! We’ve been keeping them in the living room at first so they can get used to their new home a little at a time, and hold off on their meeting our old lady kitty, Pumpkin, until they all have a chance to get used to each other’s smells. I’ve been staying with them most of the time and away from my computer. I almost didn’t get to go to bed last night because they both like to sleep on my shoulder and we all know you can’t move a sleeping kitten! I will also be having surgery on Tuesday and in the hospital for at least a few days after. I will be thinking of you all and missing chatting and missing my knitting until I can get back to it!


Cute kitties and I love the names. My daughter’s first cat was Mr. Darcy.

Good luck with your surgery. I hope your recuperation is as easy as possible.


Finally got my painting projects done. My potting bench got all its knots repaired and secured with glue and then repainted and my new headboard/footboard bench is done. The potting bench needs to have its hoses reattached so it has running water but it is getting a few days of curing time first.

First picture is before and boring!


I don’t like that name for that colorway, but I do like the colorway and the socks!

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Soooo adorable!

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Oh, really neat @lovestostitch , I love your Summer colors too.


Your bed frame bench turned out awesome !

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Last finished yarns of Spin de Fleece 2023! Whew!


hello everyone, I made it safely home from my trip. Had a wonderful time. We could have stayed longer, but…reality called and we had to answer. (work and at home responsibilities)

Found a LYS in Bandon,Oregon and purchased some local LLama yarn in 2 colors that reminded me of the area. (The Wool Company )

These frogs were for sale in a book store along the Ca coast. I thought the price was a little steep. I am considering looking up patterns for an Octopus though.


LYSs provide for the best souvenirs! :slight_smile:

It sure looks beautiful where you were: always good to go, but always good to go home too. :fk: