January 2022 🛸

Good luck with the decluttering. I’m practicing the “ignore it and maybe it will go away” method. :woman_shrugging:

Goodness! That’s going to be stunning!

My Wednesday WIPs! Okay…just 2 of them.
I’m working on a “Sunshine” doily by Nelly Klos as a welcome home gift for a neighbor and also a weird version of the “Tumbling Blocks” blanket as I continue to eliminate anything heavier than DK from my stash.

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Yesterday, I de-cluttered and went thru my yarn stash. This time I brought every skein out to the kitchen table. I went through every container and bag. Sorted them according to yarn type. As I was looking and touching each skein I made a decision on what to keep and where to put it.
I was able to re-home 21 skeins yesterday. The rest of the yarn is stored in plastic sealed containers that I put in a visible and easy to reach spot.

I also took out every Wip and placed it on my kitchen table. I decided to keep each one. The ones laying around I simply put into their own zip lock bag. Then, I placed those bags into a large basket.

At the moment there is only one Wip that I have become annoyed with myself for not finishing. So, maybe that will be the one to work on this week.
(It is from the Tournament of Stitches knit-along 2021 with Marly Bird) It reminds me of a quilt. I am working on block 3 of 4.

Lovely work.
I really like the idea of your crochet tumbling blocks. That would make a great stashbuster.
It looks easy and fast.

You would think after all these years I would have the yarn organization figured out but I’m still working on a better solution than just a bunch of plastic totes. When we get out forever house out here I will do some built ins in my craft area it hopefully even have a craft/sewing room! But right now it’s just totes. When I have a good area for seeing again I’ll get to build a whole new fabric stash though, since mine was lost in a mini storage so that will be fun. :blush:. I hope you share some pics of what you come up with.

My best idea for organizing was when I gave half of my yarn stash away to a local senior center! :smile:

I have started my 2022 temperature blanket but I’ll probably post a photo of that the last Wednesday each month. I also have a pair of socks I’m working on and I’m trying to locate any and all UFOs for the January challenge. But my primary WIP today is the test crochet scarf for @CherylDeeCrochet which I think I’ll finish today barring any unforeseen crises. Lol I already had to start it over because the first one I started decided to go to Texas with my daughter. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

For this weeks WIP I’m working on a pair of socks, still wanting to improve on my ability to do colorwork. It’s very slow going, but I find it to be relaxing.


Those are going to be beautiful!

I can’t wait to see it finished! I’ve never been brave enough to line a knitted sweater.

Thanks, Natalie :blush:

I’m curious why you are eliminating the heavier yarns? I’ve gotten to where I really prefer lighter weight yarns just because I prefer the fabric they produce for most things. I’ve gradually gotten to the point where a big majority of my stash is Dk or lighter. At least 50% fingering/sock wt and I’m only buying heavier yarn if it’s for something I will immediately make up.

@KnitsWithHorses ~ I don’t enjoy working with the heavy yarns. My hands become fatigued quicker, it’s hot and because I crochet more than knit, it isn’t a weight I would use for apparel.

The contrast is gorgeous :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: looking good!

@KnitsWithHorses, me neither! This’ll be my first.

@TexasPurl all good points. I’m crocheting more lately than I have in a long time but even with knitting I prefer the fabric made by lighter yarns for most apparel. Especially since the really cold weather is USUALLY infrequent and short in duration in Oklahoma, I hesitate to make something that is only really going to be practical 15 or 20 days or if the year. And there’s even less really cold weather where you are.
I say this as we have our second 48 hours staying below freezing with night time wind chills at or below zero. Oklahoma is schizophrenic, I swear.

I was excited to get a picture to share and announce I had finished BUT then I noticed a problem. :frowning: One is longer than the other. I don’t know how that happened but now I need to go and open up the top and add more length. Argh!

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How do you all organize your yarn?

I first organize by yarn weight. Second by fiber content.
If I have several skeins of something I put it into clear plastic zip bags (like sheets, blankets, etc. come in) within the totes of that size yarn.

Meanwhile, when I have scraps and leftover skeins from a project, I throw them in a drawer in the bureau in the guest room. Once in awhile I organize those back into their proper totes.

I hate when that happens, there is nothing worse than thinking you are done, only to discover that you have to fix something! Good luck with getting it fixed quickly!