Is there something in the water?

I definitely don’t see the sniping here. I wonder a bit about our demographics! Maybe we are of a certain age where we have the ability to walk away, and have a sense of respect for ourselves as well as others.

To All,
I am a worrier, a lot less now that I am older. Plus in my mind if I worry about something, it won’t happen! I am trying to figure out what is putting my antenna on alert. Is it really, am I imagining things, is what I am seeing an accurate reality. I was gaslighted a lot by a single parent so I constantly second guess and over compensate. I have a very good group of friends and we bounce theories, belief system, concerns off one another. Some I don’t believe but others, things are coming to pass and that somewhat frightens me. Part of me knows how bad things can get.

Am I worrying for nothing, or should we forgo the extra peanut-butter and save for a water retention system instead! Part joking part not.


Because I don’t know if what I am seeing is an accurate picture of reality. I don’t want to spend money unnecessarily.

Here’s my take on that. I have nothing against people who prepare, in fact I admire them. My husband is a “Boy Scout” type and I really appreciate how he has a stash of cords that seem to fit whatever electronic device I have that needs one. Marry a Boy Scout is what I always say. But other than having about two weeks or so of extra food in my pantry, I’m not prepared.

I live in the desert. A few days ago it was 117 degrees. I couldn’t possibly save enough water. People die without air conditioning here. Child Protective Services will take kids away if there is no air conditioning provided. It just won’t work here without electricity. I couldn’t possibly save enough gas for a generator. And if I did, someone would kill me for my air conditioning.

So that’s really freeing for me. I’m not interested in trying to survive in some post apocalyptic scenario. I have faith I’m going somewhere much better than this.

And this is why we love you and @snickerdoodle so much. <3

Don’t worry too much. It’s bad for your health. But I really think everyone should have a week or two minimum of food and emergency supplies on hand at all times. Inotherwords, a middle ground. Don’t let the gas in your car run down to empty. That’s a huge factor, as anyone who has had to evacuate on short notice can tell you.

No, I personally don’t think anything horrendous is going to happen.

Well Patty, our elders used to tell us, “Don’t borrow trouble”. The Biblical version of that is, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” KJV Mt 6:34.

So what would Jesus say about this worrying? He’s already said it…

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Be at peace, my friend!

The early settlers and the American Indians managed to survive in the desert. You might find it interesting to read up on the types of housing they built and consider those features for your own. For a long time AC was a luxury.

True that! @rubyyarn
Still, heat killed 172 people last year in my city. The number keeps rising and it keeps getting hotter due to urban heat islands. Sometimes the airport closes in the summer when it gets above about 122 because airplanes can’t get enough lift to take off. We have about the same climate as Saudi Arabia. I guess I’d just need a camel and tent.

Gaslighting can have such a savage effect on the victim that, for instance, you can see that lamp in the corner is turned on, but this other person said it’s turned off so it must be turned off. You don’t trust what you’re seeing with your own eyes! It’s easy for those victims to be led into very bad situations. If you feel concerned that maybe you don’t have enough water or whatever, then get water it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks. Someone else’s opinion is no more important than yours is and that’s the hardest thing for people suffering from gaslighting to fully internalize. The worst that can happen is you have too much water, whatever that is lol! No worries! Take each day as it’s presented to you. I’m not sure of your religious beliefs, but maybe God is trying to cut through all the noise to talk to you Himself. He knows what you should do. Who else knows the future (your future) for certain? Hes the only one you can depend on 100%. Every. Single. Time.

This is a really interesting thread. I think the problem is that it is the loudmouths who get the attention, like children having a tantrum, but there are so many more decent people around; we are quieter, but we are here. Taking the R furore as an example, there was a lot of shouting and nastiness going on, but we now have another (better in my opinion) site here as a result. There are nearly 4,000 of us so far - we don’t shout, call names and screech “Kill them till they is dead!” but here we are, getting on with our lives. Good things come from bad; if they didn’t, the world would have ended a long time ago. There is always hope.

tyranny of the individual - I heard that term somewhere years ago

I agree - I am loving this place! {{heart}}

I think it’s going to be up to us as individual members to start adding value - I’m trying to remember great links to share, think of my best tips etc. Meanwhile a general chit chat thread (maybe even each day) where we just say what we have going on for the day, what’s for dinner and maybe posting updates through the day will generate a lot of traffic for the site.

Search algorithms honor lots of traffic and sharing links. I’ve noticed members here sharing links in other places (someone was thoughtful enough to share this site on the last site I linked above). Sharing links to this site is one of the most important things we can do to help this site succeed! Not sure what brought that on. I’m packing for a trip and trying to remember things I need to do. Checking this site often keeps popping in my head. I’m not affiliated with the owners and I’m not even a moderator. But if we want a great place to hang out together in, we all have work to do!!!

I agree this is a much better site, imagine what it’s going to become.

This is one of the sites that truly enhances my day. I have found two dyers that are exquisite. I also found a site that I am looking at a lot a wide range of patterns and possibly a new start up. I have fallen in love with the yellow and blue wrap and asked about the design.

I want to thank you all for your comments. I have a deep respect for those that truly believe in God and am a bit envious. You have come here and shared what you do to calm your nerves is truly beautiful. While I am not sure if there is a God or not, I appreciate your words of kindness.I use to live on the East-coast and religion is different there. Kind of social economic status system, and we have a lot of child abuse. An awful lot of that. I think I have come to a place where I acknowledge that there is something beyond, it will be another journey that we all take.

I now live in the heartland, the flyover state, and a state that is more red than blue. The churches here play a totally different role in the community. I guess what I want to be is a little less dependent upon a grocery store, learn to can, (Lots of tomato sauce) and I am (again) envious of people who can actually grow things in their soil. We tried but last year was a really bad drought, this year while we have rain it gets hotter everyday. Plants stop growing from about mid July to august, even September. I am going to see what you plant in September. totally different growing season. Is is called the brown season because lack of water/drought conditions.


Thank you for sharing that, I admire your honesty. I used to love to can when I was younger and my kids were little. I made zucchini pickles allot, and pickled beets.

Patty - i have a big organic vegetable garden and I can, freeze and dehydrate my garden goodies. If you are interested in canning, just be sure to read current literature about the safe methods for canning. Don’t rely on a friend’s advice or even recipes on blogs. I recommend a current book produced by Ball. One of the major changes in canning is in regards to tomatoes. New advice requires the addition of lemon juice or citric acid to ensure the tomatoes’ acid levels are high enough. Unsafe canning practices can result in botulism and botulism has no smell or taste so you can not tell if the food is safe. You need to rely on doing it properly. Personally, I don’t like the taste of tomatoes canned with lemon juice or citric acid so I freeze all my tomatoes. Two of my favorite things to can are pickled beets and pickled green beans.

I just started picking green beans and have already put a few bags in the freezer (you can’t can green beans with a water bath canner unless they are pickled). My tomatoes are getting red too - my favorite time of year! If people are interested, we could start a gardening and preserving group.

Love this post! In general, I find the real world is alot nicer than the online world. I’ve been to knitting events such as VKL in NYC - heaven on earth! All I remember is all the joy of people loving the classes, market, meeting designers, book signings - and I’m quite some of those online nasty folks were there. I don’t know what such events will be like in the future (I heard there was some rife at EYF?) but I’m quite optimistic that the world is a better place that what was posted on a certain sites or what we see on the news.

How was it? I agree with other posters - I think things are always calmer when people are face to face; they seem more willing to look for one’s qualities and look beyond political or other differences.