
I haven’t laughed so hard in ages. Thank you, @FreedomLover, for sharing these headlines!
Jay Leno used to have such funny stuff on his show… I miss him!

We used to DVR Leno on Monday nights just for Headlines. It was one of the highlights of our week. That was when late night “comedy” was still funny.

Fun with signs…





I used to teach adult literacy (just a volunteer, not a trained teacher) so I loved the one about the literacy. Lucky they are not in Achiltibuie or Auchenshuggle!

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The funny thing is Mississippi is one of the first “big” words American children learn to spell.

Tomorrow is the first day of school for our district.




It’s funny, not only did I recently see that one, but I’ve been singing that tune to one of our cats, who we call “Boos” (not like Booze, though!) “Oh be careful little Boos what you doos. Oh be careful little Boos what you doos. Don’t you pull on that rug: it might fall when you tug. Oh be careful little Boos what you doos!”

She’s a dainty 5.4 lb. kitty, so it’s really important for her to be careful what she “doos”!

That’s tiny! Is she a rescue?

Too many to list separately. I like the fact that his show is called “Knitting With Maracas”. Scroll about halfway down the page for “Best of the rest”. My favourite is the 20 cows!

Her name actually used to be Tiny, but now we call her Olga. We got her and her sister from an Amish family who couldn’t keep them because they kept coming inside.

The Eton themed Advent calendar is great!

As a confirmed night person, I can definitely get behind this!!!

I saw a funny plaque that read “Turns out I’m not an afternoon person either.”




This so funny. Thanks for sharing.