Fresh from the Dyepot: Finished yarn

Came out really nice both the moss and the tobacco leaf

Thanks! I’m really happy with them. I’m almost done with a sweater with the moss!

These are fabulous, is it a worsted weight?

Great! show us that too please.

@FreedomLover yes it is worsted weight. I’d say a true worsted

That is just gorgeous I bet your daughter is very happy.

@LizB Thanks She does!!


Those are both lovely! I like the tonal variation you got.

[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​ My first attempt at dyeing fiber and I didn’t felt it!




Very pretty!!! What will you make with this?

So fun!

I have no idea! I don’t know how much it will yield. I am thinking of starting a swatch scarf for my learning experiments.

Great job!

This is pretty!
If you have a fiber that wants to felt on the stove top I have found solar dyeing is a good way to go. you just put your fiber, color, and acid in a big jar and leave it in the sun to cook.

I’ve never had a problem with felting. I’ve read that it is drastic temperature change and agitation that causes felting not just heat.

Thanks everyone!. @Sommerfugl I might just have to try that along with my sun tea. I’ve seen a lot of examples on Chemknits FB page.

Nice work and super result! What is the fiber?

So pretty!

@Carlota, it it some Cheviot, not really meant for next to the skin, or anything like that, but it was a nice sturdy practice fiber. I’m finding the Corriedale much trickier. I yielded about 25 g of this single. Now to decide which way to ply!