December 2022

I think a lot of people are just feeling stressed out over the whole cost of living thing, but in the case of the local council and churches turning their backs on Christmas, I’m afraid it’s part of a wider thing in the UK ; they just seem to have it in for anything that celebrates British or Christian culture and tradition, and Christmas is part of that. I mean, I don’t have a problem with them having had big council-funded festivals for Eid and Diwali, but I don’t like that they are shadow banning Christian holidays. I have seen some fightback today, though, that cheered me immensely; six young men outside a cinema/ casino complex I was passing suddenly started singing Christmas carols, with the proper words too, and people were joining in with great pleasure. Joy to the world indeed!


That really made my day - especially the lapful of cat! Thank you for sharing!

Oh my. That’s terrifying.

I’m glad you got a little Christmas cheer!

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One of my front porch Christmas decorations was getting loose and blowing because of the strong winds. I went out the front door which has a storm door. I grabbed the decoration and tried to get back in. The storm door was stuck. It never sticks! I banged on the door because hubby was right inside. He couldn’t get it to open either so I had to go to the garage to get in. OMG - it is cooooold out there.


Could believe that it’s Christmas. Things here are so busy. First of all want to say that I gave birth to a lovely little girl Lilium Edith last month. She is healthy and fine, but also a mummy firl, so not much knitting done over this period.
I finished two jumpers for an Instagram knitalong on November.

Happy to come back!
Hope to see you on Zoom chat soon.
Merry Christmas!!!


I LOVE there gnome costume for your tree! So cute!


Congratulations on the new baby girl.


Congratulations Natalia! I can’t wait to see her. I bet her big brothers will look after her. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I am glad you will be coming back to zoom soon!

Merry Christmas everyone!


Congratulations Natalia and welcome Lilium!


Merry Christmas everyone!


Congratulations @Natalia

I finished the apron i was stitching for a family member. I hope she likes it.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.


Beautiful job. …and congratulations on that baby girl!


I need to put borders on when I get home, but I’m getting started on graduation quilts. :slight_smile:


Things have been totally crazy around my house, so I am sure I have missed a lot! Not only were my brother and I hosting the whole family for Christmas dinner (we live together, along with my younger son) but my brother decided 3 days before everyone was coming over that he wanted to do some remodeling of the living room and dining room! Dinner turned out great, the remodels were wonderful and really did make everything easier, and everyone had a great time!

I FINALLY managed to finish the project I have been working on for my friend since September. It was supposed to be her birthday present, which was in early October, but she knew it was going to be late and didn’t seem to mind in the least. The two pictures are the finished doll, but I have been tracking my progress on the doll over on SkeinLink and there are many more pictures there so please check it out SkeinLink: Queen Elizabeth II Doll. I am SO pleased with how it came out, and my friend literally squealed when she saw it, so I guess she liked it!

I was also a guest on the Blocked Magazine YouTube channel today for the one-year anniversary of the magazine. Some of you already know that I have been working as a proofreader since the beginning of the magazine, and have written one article for it. I am also in the process of writing another for a later issue. If you want to watch the episode, you can find that here.

Now I am trying to get everything as organized as I can before my long-awaited sinus surgery, which I will be having on Thursday. I may or may not have enough time to try to catch up on what I missed before my surgery, but since my son and dil are staying through to tomorrow so we can hang out some more, I may not have time. I will most likely be disappearing for a few days after the surgery, as the surgeon said to expect to be quite miserable for the first few days to a week and not to expect to even be able to talk at all for at least 48 hours and not to want to do much else about the same time. But I will be back eventually and will miss getting to chat with all of you until then. In the meantime, I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice, or whatever else you may celebrate, and I hope you all have a lovely New Year!


Another fabulous creation!

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You’ve been so busy - I love your Lizzie doll! I’ll look out for that episode on YouTube. Good luck with the sinus surgery, and a very Happy New Year.

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Thank you! It was fun. :slight_smile:

We’re visiting family this week. Things have been strange and we’ve only been able to see them about 3 hours so far. Glad I brought my sewing machine!!

This is the start of my next quilt top.

I’m going to have things to finish when I get home….

Does anyone have New Years plans?


How wonderful! Welcome Baby Lilium. The sweaters are gorgeous, too!


Prayers for a successful surgery and all loose ends to be managed beforehand and for a very helpful family/friends to fill the gap while you recover!
I love your doll so much!! I would to see her in the neon green suit though. :heart_eyes::slightly_smiling_face: